I have looked all over for my USB C cable. I cannot find it at the work place, at the other work place and at home. Then today my sis want to borrow my one of my Micro USB. Normally I plugged that in the socket and another USB C for my table lamp. Then it turned out the Micro USB was the other USB C that I was looking for… I have no memories of why it was there and not my Micro USB. Maybe it is Covid.
If it wasn’t, my Micro USB must have hide by itself. Sigh… I think I lost my brain elsewhere. Hope next time can just change brain. I don’t want to go to work tomorrow. Mum not here to drag me to work. Can I don’t work tomorrow. Forever? I no longer love my work or if I ever did. I need new love. Saddest thing was after done then change. Shouldn’t even did the old one. Can God send a super Software Engineer to us. I am not even sure if what I did was correct even though it worked. I felt unsafe and uncomfortable. Argh….
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