Sometimes kind of envy people who get paid for doing jobs that weren’t done. Thou shalt not envy. Came these words right after I thought so. God is reminding me what I shall do and what not. Do we always follow? Life is full of surprises and things that never happened by what you wished. Learning is always my motto. Doing what I cannot do is my goal. Else, I am actually not sure what shall I do in life. Looking for that particular company which has the same vision as me and the environment that I wished I have? Looking for that particular job that I can do forever and always my safety net? Looking for people who are like minded and work with them. Not easy. Anyway, yesterday was a deja vu. I had a similar dream and sounds like yesterday. On Wednesday, I kind of remember and then well, it did happened. I just have dreams and then it happened. This is not the first time. The world and our brain are full of mystery and wonder. How do deja vu happened. Like you are arranging your mind in your sleep and it predicted a future outcome. I guess that’s how the superpower of Precognition came from. Not for Toto though. Kind of sad. Please give me a dream to see that.
A bank asked me to apply for their job. I was a bit skeptical whether it was scam. After a few conversations, it seemed legit. They needed my updated resume. I didn’t have. Go back to my old canva, then dragged out the old one. I realised I have a Word document ones after I sent the pdf ones. I should have just used the Word document because it was the latest. Anyway, I don’t have finance background so I might not get it. Based on their requirements, I think there are lots of things I have not yet explored. However, if I can finish my task earlier, maybe I can go for a test or two to see what are the skills that I lacked of. I felt a bit off because I just kept on doing uwp… I also needed to back up against my current job because I felt insecure about it, based on the recent months I was there. I am not sure if they want me there just to solve few issues then once solved then don’t need me anymore. Because every moment I was there, I felt a bit like it. They are also spending quit...
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