Business I didn't check much on the utility. Based on the number of workers inclusive of my Dad's, for his business to at least not to make a loss, would be to earn at least 1300 to 1400 per day. The shorter the workdays, the more the money is required. This is also based on 30% profits of sale per day to make up for employee cost. If 50 percent of the time, this is not met, the loss is at least 5200 per month. If 100 percent of the time, the loss is 10400 per month.... One year, loss would be between 62400 to 124800 per year. Enough to buy car/house in Malaysia. This is just salary alone. Excluding all utilities and equipment which is like a small sum compared to this. When your own workers getting paid for these and still carry on to take away business by dealing with customers offline excluding the company, using company's materials and gaining profits from it. Who paid for the raw materials, storage, equipment and work pass? I do think Brunei can improve more. I think...
"The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change." - Bill Clinton. "A wise man adapts himself to circumstances, as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it." - Chinese Proverb "It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change." - Charles Darwin