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Day 3


I was on the bus to work. Funnily, two guys seated right behind my row was talking about bloated stomach and health when working. Over eating and what food they eat was bad. So, this wasn’t my problem only.

I guess a bloated stomach is definitely something to do with eating wrongly. I stopped drinking 3 in 1 just to try out what food causing what. I now drank none ice, no creamer and no sugar water. Only drink Kopi O Kosong to keep myself from getting headache. Yesterday inly drank one so when I reached home, I have to make myself 1 after I felt headache during meal around 8pm. Start a bit if coding around 9pm and then stopped at 11:55pm. Well, from what I have tried, I don’t have bloated stomach ever since I quit my job. Could be the food, could be the same time I quit drinking 3-in-1 or 2-in-1. Cutting down sugar already like made a bit of difference. Cutting down creamer, totally good. I switched to drinking milk with Coffee but only once per day. In the morning, so I can go toilet before going work.

Ordered a lactose free milk, I got a normal milk instead. Normal milk at first I get diarrhoea. I realised, if I ate spicy food, don’t take it with milk. Milk alone is fine. Milk with hot coffee also ok. As long as the milk was heated up by the hot coffee, it was totally fine. 

I also switched to 2 meals per day. Either eat lunch or dinner. I think eating lunch is the most inconvenient thing for me outside. I am not sure what could gave me bloated stomach or diarrhoea. So, I will only have a few choices. That is the thing I ate at home which is fine and some places that I ate and never have a problem. Trial and error.  Well, now after work I go for double cheeseburger at McD, fries and low fat milk. Sigh. Old people grow fat very fast but to me that is the safest food compared to most other food. At least it wasn’t oily or too salty or too sweet. One set is just 7 dollars. I never eat lunch so meaning, morning I ate my breakfast at home, overall spending per day was 7 dollars only. Have to add the breakfast price even though no money was spent outside. I bought the tin Milo and weetbix. Can last about a month or two. Milo 19.85. Weet-bix 7.65. Milk 21.65 (12 packet). Coffee is 7 dollar which lasted a few weeks. All after discount. One day is like 2-3 dollars. Eggs only when I don’t eat outside then I will eat them. I spent about 10 dollar per day now. Since I am not working, was a slave to myself and a boss to myself. As a boss, I will ask myself not to spend so much. As a slave, I don’t get to spend so much. I am just happy with my current job though. I saw the frustration although I used to be the one who caused the frustration.

I think, I just met some good people. That’s all. 

When I wrote the program, people scold me. When I used the program, I cannot scold people for so many redundant task. Sad life.

As I began to use more function, I saw more flaws.


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