不过其实是我突然有好多事想去做。命就一条。要浪费也是应该让我自己去浪费吧。大家也可以安心的度过。如果可以可能回家一趟。最开心的是一个月后就再也看不到关于这份工作的事了。I can finally say goodbye to the laptop. :) 毕竟是它给了我勇气给了我生气推了我最后一把。刚好又是这个程序。要不然不会拖到今天。拖拖拉拉,想走又不是,不走又不是。都是天注定的吧。刚好所有的一切都发生在今天。Maybe it was a sign from God and I took the rope.
This morning, just trying to connect vpn already restart my laptop once. Then build the application. It died three times. Closed all the logs I was referring to. The build failed a few times until the only application running was the two apps. It became ok. I looked at the time, it was almost 11am… That’s when I realised nothing useful have been done for the past 2 hours. Shall I kept on wasting time or shall I just move on to do the things I wanted to do. It could be far better than waiting and debugging an app to run. I missed out a lot. I think I better quit to catch up on what I was learning before. You can never know what people will do but well, not for me to worry. Life has many more things for me to worry about. When you know you are on the wrong path, continue going is a waste of everyone’s time. I believe everyone’s hidden agendas were far more than what I thought and far much more complicated.
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