I just remember an instance while queuing at 7-11. The queue was long. While nearing the cashier, a guy entered through the door and cut in front of me. Well, I did't say anything. Not sure if he was crazy but I definitely won't win if I have to fight him. Sometimes, I do think I might win but I am tired to handle these things. Just let it be. The funny thing was, he asked the cashier lots of question and eventually pay for the thing he bought. When the cashier finds him his change, he said he gave him new notes, so he wants new coins. ? all over our heads. That's what I would do when I was a kid but I always wanted the new coins no matter what notes I gave. If I went to the shop, I will definitely use the old coin first but that's before I learnt coin collection. Funny to see this on a full grown man. He went off and while the cashier was scanning all my items, the guy came back and said just now he gave him 2 ten dollars. The thing was less than ten dollars. The cashier gave him the ten dollar from the counter top. Eh? This part I don't understand... Well, it is an interesting events. The guy makes me think of the old lady who give 1 dollar when asked for 50 cents song. I wonder why? It is right if you need a change? hahaha. The guy gave 20 when needed 10... Same story or different.
People changed. There used to be a young guy who came to our shop very often to buy wood glue. The Kangaroo one. It costed about 2.50 each. I thought he might needed a lot for projects until Mum told me not to sell him. She said they smelled it like drugs addict... That's what I don't understand. I didn't like the smell of the glue and why would someone like to smell it. Even until now I still don't understand. Hm... Well, I was wondering if addicted to coffee was somehow similar to that.
Sometimes, you don't have to understand people. You just walked away. Then, you met the same one down the path... Then another. Wondering when will you meet someone who thought the same as you. Same minds. Same interest probably. You just don't. It gets harder and harder into this world of concrete. Everything was covered by walls. That you no longer play hide and seek with friends. All the talks became rather hm... well not adult, not kids, not wise, not dumb... I don't know where it belonged but everything just blurt out on their own. But if you don't, it became creepy. Being the one who viewed the view, listened to the conversation of the people who sat beside you while on the train, it felt different. hm. They just chat about food, what they eat and don't eat. I was sitting there, hmm, I don't eat that too, and yay but well, not thinking out loud. Sometimes, having the fun of thinking how a conversation would end or what the conversation is all about. Yet, I know I shouldn't interact with strangers else, they thought I am crazy. In my mind, I was thinking what a waste, we have the same minds... the conversation died off and eventually everyone alight as if nothing has happened, going their normal way. That everyone has their own world and they don't share a single thing. I wonder what shall people talk about. Most of the times, complain. Complain. Complain. Is that a better use of our time? Does it make use feel better? Sometimes, it does but sometimes, it's tiring. We are all so close together but worlds apart. No one will ever learn.
A bank asked me to apply for their job. I was a bit skeptical whether it was scam. After a few conversations, it seemed legit. They needed my updated resume. I didn’t have. Go back to my old canva, then dragged out the old one. I realised I have a Word document ones after I sent the pdf ones. I should have just used the Word document because it was the latest. Anyway, I don’t have finance background so I might not get it. Based on their requirements, I think there are lots of things I have not yet explored. However, if I can finish my task earlier, maybe I can go for a test or two to see what are the skills that I lacked of. I felt a bit off because I just kept on doing uwp… I also needed to back up against my current job because I felt insecure about it, based on the recent months I was there. I am not sure if they want me there just to solve few issues then once solved then don’t need me anymore. Because every moment I was there, I felt a bit like it. They are also spending quit...
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