Today, I sent my laptop to upgrade the software. It is not working as intended so they say it is strange. I shouldn’t have send it back actually. Anyway, the laptop is as useful as useless. So, actually I could do things a whole lot slower. But, it is my time they are wasting even though I am getting paid to waste it. The damned laptop which someone gave to a developer. Then they withdraw internet access. It is not a joke. They are serious. Actually, I can just took the laptop. Everyday my only job is to check email, startup and shutdown the laptop. That’s all I can do with it. Easy right? Well, when I brought the laptop back, they say it is going to take a while. Since 10:30 am this morning. I bet they need 3 days based on the hell speed of the laptop. I can do even slower if all I am looking for were money. How fast you want your F1 driver drives?
Anyway, I am using my own laptop. Based on the speed, I actually don’t have to work for a few days and even today actually. ACTUALLY MANY DAYS. Not sure how long it will take them to do everything. If I were to go back to that laptop, I cannot imagine but well, from that time onwards, I will not give in extra of my time to compensate that. You want fast, then faster tools. You want slow, I can always use back that laptop. I saw the pineapple tart lady in the pineapple tart shop using a macbook for her accounts. I want to open a shop and use my macbook for my accounts 👍. I saw somebody got a macbook and iphone for her new job. I had a 5-7 years old laptop?? not sure… when I do programming, they ask me to use a macbook. I did. Well, I haven’t touch my macbook for a while. I haven’t use commandline in a while. The damned c# and xaml were lacking many features and not having many stackoverflows. I really felt like the worst and unluckiest programmer in the whole wide world. WWW. Worst Work World. I am thinking, they never thought I would stay long I guess. Not like you work hard, then the laptop will behave. Out of my control.
If an app took 1s to respond, the laptop may take more then 60s… Ok. Enough. Not enough. YOU SHIT LAPTOP. If they can give me the laptop, it signifies the their expectation.
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