As for energy saving. Actually a lot of what we did weren’t really necessary.
We used air conditioner because outside is hot. The heat could have been used to generate cool air. When not needed then don’t.
We ironed our clothes. Iron that we used was about 2600 W. My fan is like 35 W. Smaller fan less than that. Bigger fan about 50-60 W. How many fans can 2500 W operate? We washed our clothes to keep it clean but we ironed our clothes for work. High maintenance clothing etc were really energy consuming.
So if we want to save energy just by looking at ironing of clothes or just simply the need to wear high maintenance clothes to every working people can already save quite a lot of energy. There are shirts that don’t need ironing. 1 household saved 2600 W. Every working people already how much. Washing clothes that required less water? Also less energy. I can see certain people still needed to wear suits. How hot that must be although it looked good? How much energy will be required to maintain them? It doesn’t mean wearing a suit could really help but how you worked actually speaks louder than a suit. There are people who wear really bad clothes but then they are good in their job. It could also mean they put more effort and time into their job. Of course, there would be other cases or black sheep. There could be people who put even more effort just to do well in both. Looks good and do a lot of hardwork. Well, hard to find but later on they will be exhausted. There are people who purely looks good. 😑. Whichever way, it doesn’t mean anything but then if everybody looks the same, then it is ok right? Wearing clothes that doesn’t need maintenance at all. Save energy and save the earth. Unless your job is to look good like fashion industry but then actually will kill fashion industries. Then invest on how to look good in lower maintenance clothing. 🤔
Is Global warming less important than looking good? em. Let the world decide. We are not working against global warming anyway. We are working towards it. It is less painful to breathe in 40 deg celsius air or easier with wearing a cloth that does not need ironing. A choice.
Can you brush your teeth or can you wash your dishes without electricity? Well, some cannot but some can. Can you use a broom instead of vacuum? I guess if its really needed then buy lor if there is no time. There are people who don’t have time for that and there is a robot vacuum. It is tempting and I almost bought it. Well, I used wet wipes. It is to clear dust and mop the floor at the same time. I did it like once or twice a month. Depended on when Aunty complained 😁. Save energy and time and it only costed 1 or 2 wet wipes. Maybe they should invest in recyclables wet wipes. I always don’t need a bucketful of water. The robot vacuum was actually my thoughts when I don’t have time or I felt lazy to move. Got more important stuff to do. Like having a rest when not working.
Actually my only electricity usage was Laptops and Switch. I watched TV like 2-3 hrs per week. Sometimes, I don’t even watch. Boiling water was another part. Fans. If I worked at night, I cannot use the light cause my sis is asleep, another energy saving. I do have a small lamp but consider the bigger lamp at least, smaller lamp save a bit of energy. That pretty much everything. Now, my most energy consuming was ironing my clothes for work and washing them. Switch game, I played once or twice every week. Anyway, I haven’t touch it for a month already. Might need to do exercise… Motivation. I just scared to jog outside alone. or more like not so convenient. I did 20 sit-ups in the morning and 20 sit-ups at night. That’s what I did recently. If tired, I just did 10 each. Sometimes, I am just too brain dead to do it.
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