其实活到几岁都一样。没有绝对。时间到了還是要離開的。不一定活得越老就越好。想死的人一直活着。想活著的却一个个离开。上帝可能觉得想活着的人可能已经知道生命的意义所以带他们走了。而不懂的继续上课。或者不想活的人其實看得太開了,死不了。像是擔心考试,擔心工作, 担心家人。要死的人,懶得擔心这些吧。应为已经准备好了。
我想健康不是过得多好。而是有多看得开。最重要的不是最後一面而是每天都看得見。如果忘了見面,最後一面也補不了什麼。如果你还活在我们的回忆里,会不会比最后一面好呢。Tonki,Maxy. Once upon a time, there was a brown, frowning dog named Maxy. Then, there was a white, smiling dog named Tonki. I named it after Chocolate Tronki. Removed the R. It was also my favourite Professor of Hogwarts. Tonks. The hair was fluffy, that’s the similarity. One would chase everybody away and another would hide when scared. They both looked at me the same way though. Both would wait for me to come home and when I got out of the house. I have to hide because both super like mud. My clothes would be muddy everytime. I have to play hide and seek. Going out of the house as quietly as I can so you wouldn’t come running out of nowhere. I checked the coast is clear. The car was just right outside the door and you managed to beat me. I wonder what’s on your thoughts. Each lived a different timeline. The slightest move of the door knob, you will be right there. You will always be there, guarding the house. My biggest dream when I was young, was to have a dog and I couldn’t because I am asthmatic. How sad, when I can, I never took the time to be as I wanted to be. To actually really have you. Time wasn’t where it was at the moment where you should be.
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