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Showing posts from 2021

Losing focus

 I was looking for a thing. 5 mins looking for it, saw things that got in the way and keep it at its right place. Back to finding and after awhile, I forgot what I was looking for… I kept looking and thinking then argh just forget it. Return back to work and realised that’s what I was looking for. I wanted to plug 🔌 of the payment terminal sigh… why don’t they just use uk plug. safer and doesn’t fall out. All my sockets uk plug. I have a lot of the adapter but when I needed it, I cannot find it sigh…

Charging cable

I bought an apple charger and cable from 3rd party. It’s indicated to be original and genuine. Price is about 30+ for both. From Apple store, that would be 50 - 60? Cannot remember cause I only bought the plug. Cable came with the phone. I compared them to the one I got from Apple. It looked slightly different and watching online, seems like internal structure was different. Somebody peeled to see what’s inside. Some sort of metal chip seemed different. Probably that’s what people should be aware of. In the original, safety parts were ensured. Battery would explode if it is overcharged.  Power surge and so on. It is the connection between Phone and Power source. If wrong materials or different cable materials were used, what are the charges? Does it provide the required charge or more than required, that the phone can handled or specified? Many explosion or leakage mainly caused by subpar cables. Uncertified or obtained or produced by illegal methods. Batteries were designed to be ...


I fell down last week. Until now my knee still a bit painful when I kneel down on it. Elbow was ok. Normally I don't turn on the living room lights to go to the toilet. Cos it was after midnight, worry the light might wake people up. Last week, I suddenly afraid of ghost so I turn on the light. Just immediately after I turned it on, I tripped over the foot stool that was below the switches. If I never turned it on, I would never pass by that path... hahaha. reaction time matters. Don't turn on the light and everything is safe. 


Time for myself. Iphone keyboard a bit different from Google Pixel. I realized now typing on Google was more comfortable. Not sure why. I thought it was the same though but iphone I always typed the wrong words. Using it to blog was a whole lot faster. A bit of confusion with the shift key though. Kept on pressing on the numpad accidentally. Even though quite similar. The great thing about this phone is that when I want to correct a word or character, I can just select the character in the word. Iphone wouldn't select but forced me to use the spacebar to move the cursor. That has been the worst experience I have with iPhone keyboard. I have changed the keycaps but especially the key with stabilizer, it was pretty hard to find keycap with good precision. i broke one of it while removing cause the keycap was too tight.... sigh... as usual none of the spacebar fit for logitech. Logitech seems to have a different spec for them.... so i have to use back their old spec. I fou...

Everybody knows

Everybody knows. Still. Still. Forever and nobody learn.

Christmas eve toys

 Great news and put the shitty part aside. The keycaps I ordered came in this morning. Has been waiting like forever and finally received them this morning. The Canon in D doorbell rings and I gladly open my first parcel for Christmas Eve. :) Tonight can put them on! The other one ordered same time but arrived much earlier. bottom one received today for another keyboard. Top one received like last week. Real nice sound. Bought them on sales though.

Lousy app

 sigh. lousy app. again another… anyway, if somebody truly did anything, they won’t tell. Witnessed few times somebody changed and don’t admit. improve here and there. troubleshoot here and there. Code dunno changed how many times. Such lousy app nobody said anything before… Don’t want later I changed the whole code still my fault. I realized mostly just reuse code, not many know how to change. After copy from internet but never really know how to change it. Even mistakes also same… most of the time, I can sense their guilt but I think guilt is good enough and I won’t press further. One thing Go lang is good at, all var have a default value… I always wonder why. They said it was derived from C so I guess that’s one good move. I guess it is preventing people from getting null in return causing apps to go haywire and the end of the world… Looking back to the past is really just to clear my doubt. I have to continue to move forward with whatever shit that needs to be handled. There is...


 Reused some of my older code, one return makes me wonder why I can’t load some of the data which was loading fine previously. Then realised the return was not suppose to be there but it should return for another function. This is where if you shared a function, you probably get a lot of different results. Anyway, got me stuck but I deleted some code. Git would probably let me find back.  There are times that we should always try to use libraries. I don’t mind using internal lib because update and everything can easily be controlled. Third party not so easy and you have to put up with them if they don’t care or something wrong with their release or there is a bug then you cannot do anything until they did. I tried to write my own whenever I can and reduce using external lib unless this lib is really unique and I can write no code like it.  The function that is shared or split up is really hard to correct. I tried but then changed one affected the rest. Change one thing ne...

Some people at 35, have 3 kids, married once and divorced once and have a master degree. Me. I have changed 3 jobs, took a master and 2 bootcamps. The truth is without 3 kids, you can do more things. Just kidding. If tomorrow is the end of the world, I bet I am the only one feeling it’s the beginning of a new world. Well, I don’t have 1.5 billion and I certainly don’t have a house. Not even a room to begin with. Moral of the story, it’s ok to have 3 kids. Anyway, just write nonsense but the comparison is invalid but just making some correlation. That it might have leads to something like enjoying the world being single. For my own comfort. 

Christmas deco

 Finally, the colour pens were put into some use. Bought them long long time ago but seldom use them. No matter how useless, there are always things that were meant for you.  I don’t want to work! everyone like taking leave til next year… I want too!!! My end of the year is actually trying to complete this nonsense. Actually originally said a month for process A and 2 months for process B. 1 week for process C. 1 week for process D. 2 weeks for process E. 4 months plan squeezed into 3… To cater for 3 languages, 2 payments and 2 countries. Christmas wish: get a better permanent job with better pacing… Although wfh is better but feels like forever… I don’t know what I really want. The things that I know I really want have to wait til the diseases subside…


 Everybody busy to break the contract. Somebody has done wrong and only when getting caught is wrong. The industries probably are filled with more of them. Caught one doesn’t really solve the problems that exist long in the industries. Probably it’s common there until someone points a finger. Many probably got away with it because they have money.


 We were all just the product of this society. Either blame it or take it.  Where the value lies, it’s where it’s lost. If you understand humanity, you stopped putting hopes into it. Chem Eng rules. Find the root cause and not who to blame. After blaming, same cases will still happen if the root cause still lies within waiting to attack when the time comes. Scandalous life from the person I least expect. There I saw even the most successful person struggled. Sad. Great job for that while there is one that was just like them. Blindly, you didn’t stop in time, and there it goes. Succumbed to the greater of things and still going further. life is just so shallow. I am looking forward to a day leaving. If I never exist, why the hell should I exist any longer. If I never exist, why exist? it’s a release. There are people and things I will still miss and like I have always been. Missing. There is no difference and until the other day maybe another and another, it stayed the same and...


 Managed to checkin the file… shall I check email? if i open not sure how long… but will be faster if consider I startup the computer again tmr… 9:45pm to 11:25pm to check in a file…. and check any still missing… Protect me so there is nothing I can do… if it used up all the disk… another is service host… and some 3rd party thing. sigh


 Was really tired… Went to the office in the afternoon. Wanted Lunch before going though but my heavy breakfast makes me think twice about eating Lunch. I am glad I didn’t. I did some work instead. Then Grab cab. Not easy. Not really wanting to get cab though because I think I get carsickness. Lucky that I didn’t eat lunch, sitting at the back of the car trying not to throw up my breakfast. After reaching, I was ok but not so hungry. Get this everytime I sit on a cab… so I have been reluctant. My bag was heavy… No choice bringing two laptops.  Now back home. Need to check some old works. My laptop took half an hour to start up… After start up, really hard to do anything at all.. I turned it on 9:45pm ish. It was on around 10:15pmish. Then I wanted to open just Task Manager took like a min or two. I cannot even open a folder or right click took some time. Quickly end some task also no use. There are a few more that fights to get 100% but these two repeated. I will just let it r...

Ice Lunch


Ice cup noodles

  Ice cup noodle for lunch. Doritos and tostitos cheese. I think I will die from all the food I eat. Clearing food that will be expiring soon… I have thrown some expired ones. Guilty for the food wasted… This one expiring in a month!

The guitar picks

  Top black one is free when I bought the guitar stand. Just realised I have never upload the photo. Ocd people don’t look at this photo. The previous night after all the cleaning for like 10 hrs, it’s been really hard to sleep. I can feel my whole arm in pain and burning. Tossed around for a few hours, the pain didn’t go away. My veins were visibly more bulging like wanting to burst out of my skin. Before sleep, I used one ice cube to massage. It felt a bit better but afterwards the pain came back when I was trying to sleep. No matter how I placed my hand, it didn’t make a difference. But putting arms above your head did alleviate the pain a bit. My pillows were normally stacked real high. In the end, I went to the kitchen took another ice cube to massage over my arms and hand. In less than 3 mins, the ice cube melted like my hands and arms were burning. Afterwards, slept with my hand raised and finally the pain goes away… Next morning, pain was gone. Cleaning is worst than the va...

Guitar Pick

 Have been cleaning up the whole day. Really a lot of things. Mostly electronics. Then found my guitar pick. I cannot find it and so I bought them in the past. In the end, they always turned up somewhere. All is found. The special shape ones were given by uncle. He gave me one then gave me another one because I wasn’t using it and he gave me another one. Then I found it… so now I have two… The thing is I seldom use pick… because I fingerstyle :)

Booster shot

 Done with my booster shot early in the morning. Now is 1am… Just done with fixing some calendar UI… Crazy. JS, HTML and CSS was easier to fix. This xaml like shit. Lots of functionality need to write until so much to achieve so little. I was wondering if I have done so much UI and then it’s not even found in most UI Library, I could have make a library my own and sell worldwide. It can sell for more money than earning from this project probably. Even some I did from scratch… including swiping of  “pagination” which library is only available in UWP. Instead of using the time to find, if I don’t find one then a waste of time and I finally done it… Finger crossed. Roughly there but lots of hiccups and a bit of the small things I don’t adjust first. Just in case they change again.  I went yesterday for the 8pm slot for vaccination. That’s a third. I had mine July 18th for 2nd shot. Actually, it was just right after 143 days but stated need to be at least 150 days. We receive...


 I was using Figma to see the design. Previously I coded using work laptop but if I open Figma, most of the time it will crash. So I have used, HP, MacBook and Lenovo to open them, extract the information. Email myself so I can copy it from the Figma from one latptop to my work laptop for coding. Sometimes I forgotten about this and almost email myself... Now I using my own laptop. Can open a few visual studio and 2-3 Figma at one time :) Almost forgotten and trying to copy and email myself again.... The main point is actually not that. I realized Windows doesn't recognize certain fonts properties on Figma. MacBook Pro can tell the difference, like the font weight is normal, bold or whatever. Where as Windows will always show normal..... So I put normal then the look was definitely different. I am not sure what else but the difference is definitely not reflected. Then I realized, it can only really tell the weight like 300, 500, 700. Instead of showing like MacBook Pro, which is ea...


 Cannot get away with my keyboards. Cannot figure out which one to use. Now I used clickly in the morning and night time linear… ah. 10 mins basic. I can’t finish the test on time… Sad. I just need 1 more minute. 


 When you have nothing, you were given a plate, it means everything and you were grateful and remember you got a plate. When you have everything, you will never even see the plate. Even when the number of people who gave you the plates increased. There is no plate. I want plates.  If we can be neutral, how shall we see the plates. Shall we do the opposite or shall we do nothing. Shall we return the plate or shall we break the plate. Shall we hide the plate or shall we show case the plate. The Plate. I wonder why will they use a plate for a trophy. I wonder why? The sometimes, it was a CUP.  Super big Cup. Then a Bowl. WHY????? Why must it be a Plate, a Cup or a Bowl. The medal was like a coin. or it signifies a Cookie. One day this person think of a game. He got a cookie, a plate, a cup and a bowl. ya… you know what I mean. I no need to explain further. He ate them or he have them or he got them from somebody. He make the cookie a medal. He made the rest trophy to consume...

Meaning in life

  I find meaning here. I have been waiting for it. The clicky switches were just wasting their life away in the cupboard. I found a house for them at 53 dollars. I got all the Keycaps quite a while ago. I quickly set them up. I was looking around for the white arrows. I forgotten I replace them at my other keyboard :) I covered them with clothes and only realised when I looked all over. Thought I misplaced them. Bought some coloured one. Took me about half to an hour. Now I felt awake so when use macbook can change also. Shall I continue to work or go to sleep? I bought all the payment terminals back home. With omicron, hm… best to stay home. If there is no covid probably I like office. I like home because I don’t have to stay in aircond room. It is safe. There is a bed to rest your eyes and when you get up you work. Save 3 hours travelling time for all that also can. Process A = 20% Process B = 20% Process C = 20% Process D = 20% Process E = A + B + C + D = 1% where is the 19%? I ...

Favourite number

  Typical onsite meal… My favourite number. Yes.  It means death to some but it also mean Yes which is positive. I think the poor number avoided by many is cool 😎. They are all not equal but I treated number equally. 🍻


 I got it wrong. Actually not the new one but the old one.. Yesterday night can't really add it into the App. Only this morning the thing worked. Then I realized I worked on the wrong thing.... sigh... wasted 1 day. They better want it next time to yesterday and today won't be wasted.


 Doing payment thing without test, from scratch, limited information and across borders. Within 4 days. Good thing this time, at least I have a requirement. They want approval end of this week or consider this Friday. Received the news 3pm today. Counting down. First, have enough rest before rushing. I did read up a bit for like 3 days partly but on separate things. To implement was another because it involved the whole structure. More like and additional branches but need to merge back at the end.  Great day for being here 1 year. Sarcastically haha. Like when I first started, never even seen the Equipment. Did the Receipt Printer and try to standardize as much as possible. Code is Raw. It was like the arduino type of printer. Then the Camera without a Camera on my laptop. Then the Payment Terminal (not much study but just implement from others) but at least the hardware was there. Then the wristband printer. Spent some times on the the user manual to troubleshoot. Weird but ...

Battery Life

 I only charged it once. That is like after Friday’s night until now. I played a bit of shopee, weibo and surf net.  Not all the time and still got 33%. NOT Bad for 20 dollars. I used the same wallpaper since my first job in Sg. Now iPhone cannot change to this. The thing about this wallpaper is the design. It scared me once. I thought my phone suddenly cracked but I can’t feel the crack. Then realised it was my wallpaper…

Lunch at 3:45pm

 Just decided to eat lunch now. Was doing things halfway then have a surprise news, I think I need lunch then start work again. Sometimes lazy dapao.  I have been eating this since like 10 year ago. There are also a time whereby I ate this everyday. I liked Chicken Rice and Shao rou. Normally I ate Chicken rice only only like few years back I realized they have this. Used to be 3 dollars. Only this year, 3.50. Sometime eating this, one meal is enough but if I am greedy maybe will eat something else. 

Work done

 Lots of work done to achieve very little kind of design...  Anyway. I can do any UI but just that time contributed is wasted on hard work that achieve very little. Some UI was really not compatible to the structure. Just showing the difference from others. Having multiple UI doing the same function weren't UX. It was the opposite. Now I felt like this is more of a design than UX. I went to Botanical Garden. I forgot to mention. The Cafe there using kiosk to order foods and drinks. UI really simple, nice and fast. Imagine hundreds of photos loading like less than 1 second! I think it is the photo loading.... but I can't tell how they did it. I wonder who did the program. Just one or two pages. They have items more than McDonalds. Although a lot of pictures but they were categorized. One view, you can see the whole structure clear and nice. Not comparable to the function but with so many list on the menu and to simplified into that, compared to lots of other app, that is brilli...


 It’s just a simple walk and it is fun!  We went to Botanical Garden. Being in Sg for my 10th year now but I have never been there. Friend just realized her phone not charged so delayed by 30 mins from 4.30pm. She even rushed there using a cab. I just used the extra time to shop around a bit and chase after chickens. Not normal chicken. With clouds like this, we went into the Garden. It stayed like that without raining until we are at the near end of our destination. We met a few interesting things. Although we were late but the timing is just right to see all that. What are the chances! We saw Black swan. I don’t remember whether I have seen it before but today it is there. I saw a turtle in between them and thought it was their child until a closer look. I didn’t get to see the white Swan though. Maybe they were home. Met the otters up close. Although many are taking pic of the otters. There are people taking pic of the camera people. My friend said she has been there but ne...

Final touch

 Got the Glue this morning! I just fixed the phone yesterday. All came within the same week although I bought them separately. What are the chances! The digitizer came first, then the battery just like a day or two after. Both came early this week. I realised I didn’t have the battery adhesive tape, bought from Lazada. The the screen to phone frame glue also needed. I purchased both after I received the digitizer and battery. Received tape the day before yesterday but I don’t have the time to leave it for Friday night. I just worry if left untested, cannot tell if the digitizer or battery received were good. I just do enough to test both and with the tape, I can seal it after test while waiting for the glue. This morning, the glue came!!!! Story with the glue. I ordered T-7000 and instead of receiving T-7000, I got B-7000… Quickly make a report to Shopee. But I cannot wait so I said I will just use it. I thought B-7000 is Black and T-7000 is transparent. I will just have to be care...

Successful Surgery

 My Pixel 2 XL have been with me for quite some times.  3 - 4 years? Since 2018 June 7th. Battery life has been ok. Always 50% left after a day usage. One day usage ok. I have dropped it quite a lot though. The screen has dead pixel on two edges. Then the top got lines. I saw shopee selling the Digitizer at about 100++ so I bought it. Then the battery is about 20++! My phone was originally 1k+ so it seems fine with the proportion to replace. I still use it to access what iPhone cannot :) 4a was too expensive to replace although I bought it at 599. The digitizer like 200-300++. Battery also… So I decided to wait… I still haven’t transfer the file inside so I will keep it until the price reduced. Hopefully they are. After fixing this. Sony Xperia Z5 was really level 100. It is super hard to disassemble and assemble. The parts were expensive. Anyway, it wasn’t only the digitizer that was spoilt. I think the motherboard spoilt for Z5. It was still operational but lots of glitches....

I didn’t get it

 不是努力就有的东西。比如抽奖。已经每个小时能按就按。结果呢?我忘了十点进去看。想起来就过了4分钟。 😭 不过我的努力不是没有人看到。我得到了一声谢谢。

A week

 Took me a week to finally test the sewing machine. It wasn’t so hard. Set up was more troublesome than using the machine itself. Brilliant. No time to test. Asked Aunty for guidance.  She gave me some test. Pressed the pedal only. Happy. Forgotten about something else. I was doing work in my room. I got my new sewing machine but left it in the room because I have no time to test it out. Disciples of McDonalds. I felt like I am guilty.

White Flag

When shall I lift my white flag and abandon ship.... It's 2am again... BUT I am satisfied that I solved one problem.... well, hopefully no problem tomorrow. I am so scared to go to the next page of the design. My Guardian Angel if you are there, guard over me. Although, I am old now. You are there right? Descendants of Shinobi - Final Fantasy VII Piano Collections [Advanced] Promise (Reprise) - Silent Hill 2 (Piano Cover) [Beginner] Bookmarked these two... Couldn't get it off my ears. Loooooooppppppp. Put everything behind me. It's going to be another month. My due date is coming..... The end of year...  I am already tired. Let's just hope the next has better collaboration. Not like war everyday. Anyway, Maybe I had the worst practice for a valid development cycle. The app that I did at least, I have some findings. From what I can tell, the code that works is enough for now. As for c...


 错过好过杀错。 宁可杀错不可放过。  I guess I will do the opposite. There has been lots of sms. So I guess I am not even going to click on any sms even though it seems legitimate. While we are improving, our spammers are also improving. Up to a point where they seems to be more legit than the legit ones... I have probably avoided all the legit ones... just in case, I avoided all.

Back to Laptop

 I have been blogging through my phone. Worst still, from my iPhone and typing using it on Blogspot takes some patience. One word wrong, correction was a pain. As for android, Blogspot wasn't hard to access. I guess it was never made for iPhone to begin with.  Reason for blogging on the phone. I want to practice typing using handphone. I am quite slow with it. I started using a handphone only when I was 16 or 17. People were like typing madly while I spent half an hour typing just one message. I decided to practice via blogging, especially, on the iPhone. Another reason hidden, simply because I forgot my password and didn't want to log in from my computer. My keyboard invitingly made me do so.  Without the above two, I guess my post would be very lengthy. Somehow, I cut short because I was lazy. A few days ago, there was a kid downstairs asking me for money. She was wearing school uniform. I was on my way back after dapao Chicken Rice. I paid using my phone but I usually ...


I realised it wasn’t structural problem but that the same db now has two different logics.  Inconsistency issue. Well, Either I picked one or I add another one? If I picked one, then the other will have minor issues. Occurrence won’t be that obvious but if you have one you will have two. It is a bet. Either one will have this issues. If I add another 1 meaning now there will be three kinds of logic. Not that sure if it will cause the issue but more like a combination of both. However, I cannot really assess the risk without any test by accessing the other two logics. I can only guess if that is the case. I guess this was what our instructor want us to have a group project for at least once but time instance was different so can only use reduction until the final logic is there. I just want to ensure mine wouldn’t cause the two problems but I also don’t want the other two to cause me mine. Sigh. This time didn’t spend too much time on ui but these sickening logic issues. Waste of ti...


  When I first use Shopee long long time ago, do you know they didn’t split by category? Also, if you search something, it must be the exact wording else it wouldn’t match. Now, still there is problem sometimes but they actually made a very big progress during these two years. However the categories still not so right. hehe. That’s what I found.  Remember a time when I brought books to their competition instead of using google two to three years back. Without any python background too. They were doing I guess to find someone who can solve their categories problem. Only 1-2 hrs given for each session to come up with the solution. I only managed to make the python and excel sheet work but never managed to solve though.  eh. 2 hrs 1st prize is a few thousands dollar. There were two different problems but I forgotten about the other one. It is a good experience though. Although not many people solved it within that few hours, but some were pretty close. Out of a hundred peopl...