When shall I lift my white flag and abandon ship.... It's 2am again... BUT I am satisfied that I solved one problem.... well, hopefully no problem tomorrow. I am so scared to go to the next page of the design.
My Guardian Angel if you are there, guard over me. Although, I am old now. You are there right?
Descendants of Shinobi - Final Fantasy VII Piano Collections [Advanced]
Promise (Reprise) - Silent Hill 2 (Piano Cover) [Beginner]
Bookmarked these two... Couldn't get it off my ears. Loooooooppppppp.
Put everything behind me. It's going to be another month. My due date is coming..... The end of year...
I am already tired. Let's just hope the next has better collaboration. Not like war everyday. Anyway, Maybe I had the worst practice for a valid development cycle. The app that I did at least, I have some findings. From what I can tell, the code that works is enough for now. As for code quality, I need a preset standards. I tried to have my own standards set well... Some parts I think I could have done better some parts I guess will need a truly finalized plan. Otherwise hard to standardize when every seconds there are things changed. BUT there is a saying, a good standard is malleable and easily maintain. I guess that should be my lowest for now. To rush thing out is first. I really need some guidance. I am clearing my thoughts away. Focus.
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