Got the Glue this morning! I just fixed the phone yesterday. All came within the same week although I bought them separately. What are the chances! The digitizer came first, then the battery just like a day or two after. Both came early this week. I realised I didn’t have the battery adhesive tape, bought from Lazada. The the screen to phone frame glue also needed. I purchased both after I received the digitizer and battery. Received tape the day before yesterday but I don’t have the time to leave it for Friday night. I just worry if left untested, cannot tell if the digitizer or battery received were good. I just do enough to test both and with the tape, I can seal it after test while waiting for the glue. This morning, the glue came!!!!
Story with the glue. I ordered T-7000 and instead of receiving T-7000, I got B-7000… Quickly make a report to Shopee. But I cannot wait so I said I will just use it. I thought B-7000 is Black and T-7000 is transparent. I will just have to be careful with Black glue on White Phone. Turned out, B-7000 is actually transparent and T-7000 is black! What are the chances?! I was surprised when I opened up the cap and expecting Black, and it was transparent :)))))
I told them it is a beautiful mistakes. I ordered wrong, they sent wrong. Two wrongs make a right. I asked them no need to check already. I got the right item although everything is wrong. Happily applied the glue. Now waiting for it to dry. Very easy to apply also. I have no clip to apply pressure so have to make use of the packaging they send. iPhone X is heavier than my mouse lol. Use the weight to keep the screen intact while waiting for it to cure.
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