I was using Figma to see the design. Previously I coded using work laptop but if I open Figma, most of the time it will crash. So I have used, HP, MacBook and Lenovo to open them, extract the information. Email myself so I can copy it from the Figma from one latptop to my work laptop for coding. Sometimes I forgotten about this and almost email myself... Now I using my own laptop. Can open a few visual studio and 2-3 Figma at one time :) Almost forgotten and trying to copy and email myself again....
The main point is actually not that. I realized Windows doesn't recognize certain fonts properties on Figma. MacBook Pro can tell the difference, like the font weight is normal, bold or whatever. Where as Windows will always show normal..... So I put normal then the look was definitely different. I am not sure what else but the difference is definitely not reflected. Then I realized, it can only really tell the weight like 300, 500, 700. Instead of showing like MacBook Pro, which is easier for me to tell directly and code! I have been following normal.... I realized how come when I switch to Pro, it is all different! sigh...
Anyway, no need to email myself and being able to work directly with the design feels great.
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