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 Going out with Aunty will be like when you said we are going to set off at 3pm, would mean 2pm. I was going to do grocery shopping and Aunty said she can go too. I wanted to avoid the crowd and decided to go out at 3pm. While I was doing other stuff and before 2pm, I can see her dressed up and watching TV. Her bag was on the table. When we said meet at 6pm, she wanted to be there by 5pm. Haha. So next time if I wanted to go out with her, I have to add another hour because she would be an hour earlier.

My mum would be the exact opposite though. When we said going out at 3pm, we would probably be out around 5 or 6pm. She would see plants and started taking care of them. Meals not eaten. She would have to shut off all the electricity and locked all the doors. We have many lights and doors at home. She would realized she has tons of things not done when we wanted to go out. Anyway, when it wasn't about work, I would be like her most of the time. Only when I wanted to go out, there seems to be a lot of things suddenly that I wanted to do at home. However, for work, I tried to be earlier unless I fainted before going to work. For mum, I really had to tell her a lot of time before hand so, the opposite should be done. When we said we are going out at 3pm, I have to tell her by 1pm. Truly we cannot blame her as well. Everyone just sat down instead of checking the windows and doors or any laundry still outside. She helped dad to get his things and dressed him up (for current situation because my dad's legs were weak after operation) or in the past (us) before she can dress herself up. Anyway, she would need to find her best clothes. Me, I just find my best t-shirt to go out. Work is just the best polo tee... 

Aunty would always remind me not to be late though. Everyone more worried than me if I went to work late.. sigh... because one time I guess I "fainted" at home and everyone failed to find me. I have OT for a few weeks straight with only 2-3 hours sleep. I never late or absent for work for at least a few months since I started working then. That day, I only reached home about 3-4am after finally getting raw materials ready for material preparation before trial run. It's a norm ever since I started getting to do projects. Sometimes, the material was late or there wasn't enough material. Normally, I have to wake up at 6am, then went to the bus stop about 1 km away from our house, to wait for company bus that took off at around 7am. I think I set my alarm or set wrongly or whatever. I didn't even bath. I was woken up by the lights shining up on the windows, I sprang up because of that. I wouldn't see the light on a normal working day. I quickly looked for my phone and I have hundreds of missed call and messages. My manager, admin, hr and sis. It was like 9am... I quickly called back, shower, dressed up and took taxi to work. My manager knew I was doing some work previous nights so he thought I fainted somewhere because nobody knows where I was. Sometimes people do faint in the lab without anyone knowing. I never even remember my alarm was on or indeed was ringing and I slept through it. Those were the days that I did not wish to repeat. Hope I get another job that I don't have to OT so much. I guess once in a while was ok but not all the time. I guess during that period, we suddenly have a lot of projects coming in one after another. It's a good thing for the company but not for us. My OT always off the chart and always got the warning. Then I have to find off day. Sometimes, need to go back on weekend, and off day was like a luxury to have. I guess being able to do that once in my lifetime was a good experience too. God, please give me a job where I don't have to OT so much. Best is can watch movie while at work sometimes. I have been seeing people who would be able to do that while I worked days and nights. Let me have this kind of job. hehehe. Not all the time but maybe not OT is also better than not having the time to watch movie. That would be fine too. 


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