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 I finished doing my wallet without cutting myself. I got a poke from the needle though but it was alright. Only that one time. The rest I found a way to prevent that. The cutting mat has been very useful and now it’s filled with holes.

Today I got my first cut of the year. Fengshui’s problem. I was taking something from the dark corner near the kitchen sink at work. Was opening the carton for umbrella. Someone asked me to take. When I was cashier, I normally took it myself instead of calling someone unless really necessary. I have cut away the tape but the tape side sick to the wall so I pulled it and I couldn’t remember but just felt sharp pain on my left palm. My left hand gave way after the cover flipped open and the knife on the right hand slashed my palm. Sigh, I should have close it before pulling the cover. It failed to open the first time so I slide it out to cut a second time but worry it didn’t open and kept it that way. Should have trust my instinct. 

I also think everytime they tried to give me problems. Maybe I have been too nice. Maybe I should not. Just start work means take half an hour smoke break. Then after one hour of work, take about 1 hr break and smoke another 10 to 30 mins smoke break. Everyday 2 hrs. How nice. I think to be fair, everyone who don’t need smoke break and go for air break. When you can complain people going to toilet or take their official 45 mins break, then you take more than that, it is not acceptable. Expiry check. This month and the last, overall, I found 5 expiry items. A noodle, Ice cream tub, 2 chocolate, 2 candies. One Lays chip but soon to be among others which due in June. If you want me to do like this, fast and like nothing is done, I am pretty find to do it. I prefer meticulous but I can be reckless if I am given permission to do fast and with mistakes. Got time then I can take 2 hours total not doing anything. That is perfectly fine for me if you want me to be faster doing the same thing. I actually expect people to show me how they do it fast. I knew pretty well how to do that but will it be a benefit? Actually, I shouldn’t have OT yesterday. Should let them do 3 pax or best 2. Some afternoon only 2 cashiers when someone’s late or mc. Today the person who always MC and caused me many time only 2-3 person working should try it too. Hmph. I should also make remarks that 3 cashiers also can long queue. Well, for all these, I did in my thoughts but won’t actually do them but you should see it yourself. You are not even guilty. I checked price many times throughout the 8 plus months. Customers kept on asking me to check price or price wrong. Nobody on the floor answering to that. Oh. They are busy smoking. Once I learnt the price tag thing and ironically taught by the one now I vehemently think was the worst person. I don’t think he is bad but I do think he is capable of doing mischief. Like always slack. The number one was not him though because at least he turned up on time. He was the second. The third was another but has been better except for turning up later than usual.

I have fever for the first time working this job too. Then I got my covid for the first time here too after escaping since covid has first started. The first encounter was when I was enrolling to my bootcamp for software engineering. Heng ah. Not in close contact and ever since then, the class was held online. That was like 2019. I finished 2 bootcamps and 2 years of work at Sentosa (no crowds at all except for vivo during lunch time). We dapao or I don’t go out to eat most times. Travelled to work by mrt too. Not even once got fever. I do have severe allergy reaction sometimes. I kept sneezing. Scientifically, I am allergic to dust and some cheap perfume. My dad was tested to be allergic to dust and has severe reaction to it. Surprisingly, prawn not so much… I guess it was the job nature that countless people passed through. Reckless or not reckless by seeing the drive off and wrong pump will know the types of person we saw everyday. I think at least my exposure to crowd ever since covid started was too little to get me covid. I was like worried about covid, I dare not go shopping or eat outside. Even when gather, I tried to keep my distance. My aunty also think I should stop working. sigh. I was thinking of doing something more worth the time and also let me finish what I have started. It felt sad if I have to drop it. If they continue on with their behaviour, I just go earlier la but anyway, I was suppose to be doing 6 month to a year. Feb almost here. March I can go liao. Also CNY soon, getting a job during this time then straightaway take leave also not good. Especially full time… when i think it was hard to get leaves for software engineer… even harder as a cashier. hahaha.

Hope this cut can help me prevent other cuts. It’s a long one. It bled a little but I can feel the pain so it’s just cut through the skin and the surface of the flesh a bit. I can feel the pain when I stretched my fingers or closed or stretched my palm. Luckily no nerves or veins or artery cut through. If I die tomorrow, probably my knife was to blame. It has cut through tonnes of boxes and tapes. Especially dusty ones. I am allergic to dust and box. Double kill. My palm was a bit warm after the cut though. I felt the heat around the cut area. Hope that is a good reaction. Did I skip death again this time? This would be the 4th time. Will my guardian angel still be there? I have not been praying for quite sometimes. I used to do it every night as a child and teenager however, the more I know about God and the more I have gone to this world, I seldom pray… 

2nd time was when I was like secondary school. I almost fell head down on the staircase while rushing down the stairs. I was like oh and think I was going to die definitely. I felt a tug on my feet… the trapped feet at the back suddenly tugged forward and I fell on my butt instead. I felt pain but not worst than if my head hit the staircase first. The 1st time was when I was 5/6. Vague memory but was at my grandparents house. It has a balcony and front porch. We were playing hide and seek and I climbed outside the front porch railing that was like 2-3 feet above the ground. Beside that was all the spare parts or items not in use. I slipped the railing and fell off the edge. I remembered when I got up I saw the sharp rod poking up from the stacks and I escaped that. Not unharmed though. I got a small cut too on this very hand that I cut today. I can see the scar right below it. The white mark but it was much longer than visible on the pic. It’s from the palm to near the wrist. Well, I remembered a bit of bleeding and my sis found me. She put a medication on my palm and it was so painful that I cried loudly. The sting! That’s when my mum knew and scolded my sis. I thought I was in trouble.

The 3rd was a near hit accident. I just got my driving license. While going out the junction, a lorry that was supposed to be slow was not that slow. He did a quick brake and going to the side of the road instead of hitting my car. Before the junction was a roundabout. If there is no side of the road and he bumped into my car, I die liao. The side of the road was actually a bus stop that was rarely used. Bus only passed by every hour or everyday or week. Nobody knows. 

The 4th was when I drove my Mum, nephew and Dasao. It was raining and night time. We have to get to Miri from Brunei. The road was new. The built a new way to the city so we try out that road. We were all ok until halfway, we kind of dunno the way since it’s new. Then suddenly the road doesn’t have road lamp ahead anymore. It is quite common in Malaysia so we thought it was done so because somebody stole the lamp again. Or they never thought of building it since it was stolen so often. I was driving quite fast but not more than 100. The road was smooth to drive and the driveway was straight. My front light was on and lucky I turned on highlights. It was pretty fine until I saw a glimpse of a crater far ahead. Instead of hitting stop and risk skidding? I pressed brake down slowly and made a slow stop. Somehow, I did listen to what the driving instructor has taught and able to carry this part out at the moment and not panicked was like a surprise for me. I don’t panic easily actually but sometimes I could be. That moment, thanks God I did not. So, I developed a sense of not rushing then. Rush will just make matter worst. You either arrive, late or never arrive. When doing critical things and people rushed you, this person needs to be avoided. Whether purposely or not, your safety is the most important. I remembered that part. I managed to stop right in front of the crater. The road stopped halfway and it was like a dead end. I couldn’t see further because it was all grass and pretty dark. We were all safe and sound. Managed to turned back but everyone got a scare. 

One time our aircon servicing uncle asked me not to look at him working. He said he was working at height (11th floor) to fix my brother’s aircon’s compressor. Daikin. Breakdown many times. That time, my brother was not in Singapore and he said the aircon was not working again. The Daikin people said it needs 1k+ sgd to get the spare parts. Needs few months too because they didn’t have it. Seeing how it was broken down so many times while Aunty’s aircon was like over 10-20 years… Not so sure how long but could be longer never have the problem. So we guess just ask the good uncle who has been servicing for her to take a look at my brother’s aircon. I brought him there. Not my house and he is climbing out the window. The windows also not like woodlands one. The compressor was hanged by a rail only. He climbing out worried me. So I thought to stay close by and if anything just grab him. He told me, Me, worrying him was not good so I needed to stay away. I guess that was what it means. He said that’s when mistake happened once you get scared. He is also a rabbit though. But 24 or 36 years my senior. I think 36… That was few years ago and he was 60 plus. That’s why I worry. He was old but still as lively and happy. Everytime he did his job, he did it well. I guess that is why Aunty always called him. Another thing, he is honest. He didn’t charge very expensive too. The end of the story was that he managed to fix my brother’s aircon by fixing the compressor which has been tampered with. The Daikin guys seemed to have switched the wires. He switched it back. He also added the gas. All less than 100. I guess he is always lucky for a reason. His honesty and helpful personality. We just called him and he was available without any condition. He should strike more toto and 4d. As he said he actually strikes toto before. quite a large sum. Another rare dinosaur we met. He said he is still working though and no one can take over this skills anymore. After him, nobody will too. With these skilful people gone, and nobody to take over, I guess more and more mistakes at work will happen. New people make new mistakes and it gets frequent. Errors were running at full mode when these people finally stopped working. 


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