If it is going to be a prelude of her song, shall I tell about the high pitch note of a music, was what I normally avoided listening. Not sure about the majority but my opinion certainly doesn't matter. Anyway, can't listen to songs these days. I have unsubscribed spotify. The money I spent, I could have bought quite a few songs and keep as long as I wanted. On spotify, once unsubscribe, you can't listen or choose back. Although it's unlimited listening, but I only listen to few songs... new songs were quite little.
I guess lessen a little bit of coffee intake was good. Now my heart at rest was 80+ but my blood pressure increase a little. 3-4 cups now. Maybe soon reduce to 3 then to 2.
Tomorrow going to Kuching. Today no sore throat but the phlegm is like thickening on my throat. It felt better after eating chocolate, ramen, ice cream, coconut water. Hope it was the heat or the super cold room. Not covid as I will be flying. Drank lots of water. Felt thirsty all day!
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