I just recalled few days ago, my money was about 12.65 excess. My senior asked me to take away 10 dollars. From this I realised, she could be one of the 10 dollars thief. It didn’t hit upon me but the more I think, this just told me what happened. As to why I suspect more than one is because of the patterns. Probably one person keeps the 10 dollars. Then this person told to another person to keep the other 10 dollars as I was told to the same way. Hm… Could it be they placed the 10 dollars to my counter? This just makes me very suspicious. In the end, I decided not to listen and put both money outside until I figured where the 10 dollars come from. I supposed to have negative amount by 120+ due to a refund from another counter. However, I was 110+ short only. My mind told me I have shortage but second thought, it was actually 10 dollars more. Good thing, my other colleague helped me throw in the extra 10 dollars early while I was still cracking my head. It was a God saved me moment kind of thing.
Today I went to work early morning. 6:30 am I reached. Before I counted the money, the shift already changed. So, I took a picture of the POS without anyone changing shift. If money shortage like previously, this is a good proof. Anyway, no money missing today. However, another colleague said her money missing. Guess what, 10 dollars. She said it was very often. I guess she was the next targetted ones. Here, when no cigarettes missing, it was 10 dollars missing. Sometimes both. This says what? There are more than one thief now. One of our staff was 78 years old and she got it more often and they put the blame on her. However, few times I was with her, she was ok and she herself was wondering why all the cigarettes missing? She asked me herself but she doesn’t want to trouble so she just pay it like everyone else. Somebody who always acted concern but behind are scheming things. 骗老人家的钱不怕天打雷劈。骗别人的钱偷钱已经是很可怕了。Well, now I just hope not to associate with her cause she is trying to make people more involve in stealing. Those weaker mind probably got the ends already. My respect to a bully is always in the bin. I don’t care what it takes. 骗了人还说风凉话。这种人千万要远离。不然你就是替死鬼要不然就回没办法变成和她一样的人。
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