都不知道自己做了什么。这几天很烦。烦死了。Just had a few deployment… feels like the end of the world. I felt like shit. Felt like what I am doing is shit and wasting the whole year to this stupid shit. Why can’t this be like a game, all I have to do is never to choose this job in the first place. Then I never had to deal with this login shit. Surprisingly, to find that in the code there are certain conditions seemed to be a requirement in the past but seems like current user doesn’t have any clue about it. While editing the code, I was thinking if I should remove or not. I did remove but put back just in case people who knows find them disappearing. Maybe they will cheers. All I did was to add in between the lines. Sometimes, if I don’t remove, people asked me why it worked that way. Hasn’t it been working that way for the past 15 years? I only doing the code for 2 months… If I knew, I think I can go for high paying job like something that is tripled my salary now. It put a big dark doubt about what I had in the code. Hm… Sometimes, just wondering halfway down the code, I lost what I am doing. The enthusiasm is like dropping every few seconds… Only to laugh when I made a really stupid mistakes. Like if the person already checkin. I wrote a message like: You have already checkin. Please go to the boarding gate. If you have any question, please go to the boarding gate.
Supposed to be Please approach our staff.
I was thinking at that moment, since when I wrote that message. What the hell happened that day. Was I paying attention to what I wrote? or I have a split personality that write that thing there. Or I just doing everything out of muscle memory. Or I went somewhere else and come back to continue what I was typing….? But I had a good laugh at my own stupid mistake. I am not sure but everytime, I saw that message or think about that message, I cannot control but to laugh. Imagine the confusion the customer had because of that message… xp
I am tired. I want non-working sat and sun. I want non-working nights. I want better laptops. I want best is not to work at all and code whatever I liked. Dream On. Idiotic life. But today at least I read something nice about some news where the prince william said that we should focus on repairing earth than finding another planet to live in or space tourism. At least he had something decent in mind. If you can make another place so difficult to live in, why not repair this earth which consisted of so much more for us to live in. People spending billions just to fly to the moon… That billions can feed and help how many homeless people or kids without parents or those who struggle to even survive in this society and we just throw the money for someone to go to space and come back.. Now making it into a tourism… only for the richest probably.
The code took 5-6mins to build after I changed something… what a sad life I had. I only remember compiling this long like 11 years ago. Well this is slightly better. Not an hour thing… we should be grateful…. but I couldn’t keep myself not to argh….
It is friday night. Used to be a fun night. I am not sure since when it wasn’t anymore. I have to return the library books that I have borrowed. Each I only have time to flip a few page. The storytel, although I have signed up for a year plus one month free, I only listened to it twice… like altogether only 2 hrs…
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