Before I quit my last job, I was trying to learn Python and some Web development on my own. The progress was slow because every time I reached home, I had been rather tired to take in anything that I had read. Honestly, for Python, I started like around 2013 for my first job. Firstly, I used it to process some Document for me to read. I don't recall anything about it but the code works anyway. Learning has been futile because even though I know how to use, I probably has the least understanding on what's going on in the background. Secondly, I hope to process some data for data analysis with it but never use it and never had the time to complete it.
There was this free basic course from Udacity. It used to be free and I used to be a frequent signed-up for those courses but hardly completed anything. Probably a few lessons for each of them or never even started. Come on, I spent 3 hours on transportation daily to travel to work and I only have 2GB data plan. The only ones that I have completed were Forensic Science Fundamentals and 3D AutoCAD by Taiwan University (In Traditional Chinese, the icons helped. Subtitles helped too). That was when I was jobless for a moment. Python Fundamentals and Music Theory, I have done for like a few lessons and I got my job. 2020, I completed the Python Fundamentals along with some other free resources online. I think most people interested in programming would have come across those. I also purchased some Udemy courses. I even joined some events to code in Python not knowing anything. I should have prepared more.
Eventually, I joined GA and then GoSchool. It was C-19 period and to invest more time on this were somehow a risk. The good thing for me is that I took the time to learn the basic before getting in. Well, those make me think of what I have learnt so far and put them to test. The rest really depends on you to progress further. I am a bit worried, when the coverage wasn't deep enough from the start but I was on board! I took the chance and tried everything I can to catch up a lot of other things on my own. I knew what was needed and what we have weren't enough. Failing interview technical test was hard on me but with each technical test, I guess roughly what was needed and be better at it. The thing best to do then was to be truthful to myself of what was lacking and make improvement. If you are always cheating yourself, what will be coming back at you was your own ignorance.
I can't do all at the same time because simply, each company has different requirement. I was studying JavaScript and they wanted Python. Then after, you have done that, another company wanted another skillset. I brushed Python and that's why I finished the course but the depth of my knowledge can scratch any surface yet. After I am done with Python, there came Go. So, out I go and found a course and eventually joined GoSchool. Well, no matter how hard the course was, I tried to figure out everything on my own but of course with the material given. There was no slacking except for a few hours of sleep when I felt totally overwhelmed. One good thing to practice for programming. Don't ask for help too early. Try to figure it out yourself and you will realized the understanding that you will have is much deeper and solid. Don't go the easy way. You can easily get the answers but then most of the time, in real world situation, you need to give the solution on your own. I think those hard times that I faced during the courses, really taught me how to tackle problems. The only thing, I am always not sure whether I have done right because those are my solutions, are they safe enough, resilient enough or even workable in the real world. Just like Uni, learning a bunch of theory and in real life, what works?
I was exhausted from every "interview" or more like a test, I have attended. I picked up a new language within a week and how well do you think I can get. I ended learning up everything but never good at anything. I would be happy to settled down with one first and progress more on that. I got this job and finally I can focus... But thanks to GoSchool, I can apply some concept to my current job. I have never used C# before!!! Sometimes, I found myself in awe of what I did and a bit of unrest because of that.
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