The day before I only slept for 2 hours. Then yesterday, reached home about 9:30pm. Decided to go to sleep around 10 am because I felt sleepy. Then set my alarm to wake up at about 2am to finish some stuff or debugging for the uat this morning. I can't tell a lot of things because the app is really old. My editor was quite new. The oldest might have problem doing the code also. I have to deal with it differently, otherwise, it is a fast job to do.
The moment I hit the bed, I wasn't asleep. Tired but can't sleep. I was like floating on my bed. Anyway, my problem or the bed. In the mrt, I was asleep for a bit but light sleep. I woke up at 2am, super tired and I can't open my eyes. I snoozed till 2:30am I guess. I thought of just give up but well, second thought brought my body to the table. Struggling to get my laptop out of my bag. Washed my face. Struggling to let it start. I pray to God to let me find the way to make it work. I opened up my program. There it is. The code I have been finding for about a week now just staring back at me. I have another idea on how to change the code. Using the good old way. Imagine. It worked. Wow. Before that, I was praying to God while my other program wasn't working that afternoon. I opened up my code and it was right there. The code I have been finding for more than two weeks just appeared. I am very tired but suddenly awake. Good Lord. I typed away. It worked but when deployed have some minor exception kept appearing. Although not a big problem, it is still a problem no matter how many I have solved to get there.
Conclusion. Pray to God. I went to sleep at 4:30am after finishing the code the old way. I woke up at around 6am but super tired. I snoozed til 6:20 am... Almost gave up and I dragged my body out of the beg.... so i am a bit late for work. The work did paid off. Thank God and the ones who helped me too. Although we can't find the root cause but it was almost there. I am sleepy... Got myself dinner at around 7:30pm.
5.50 for the meal. It was from the vending machine but good enough. I finished it at a bench beside the bus station. It was 8pm and I set off for home. It's 9:12pm now. I am pretty much a zombie. Just reach Admiralty stn and it will be another 10-15 mins walk home. Now I am still writing this.... bye.
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