前天,十点回家。。。 11.30pm ++ 到家。While i was in the train, the PA systems keep on talking and talking as if somebody muffled the person who is announcing. A little bit longer for each stops. I could only pick up bus or something something. I presumed everything was ok and only the PA system was down.
The train is still moving too. Then just mow my sis told me somebody went into the mrt track and hit by the train. 31 years old. Everything is still under investigation...
Life is just not worth it. Probably we will really be gone and just stop existing in this world. There is no heaven or hell. There is no paradise and just thin air. We will never truly meet again. Just like any other living things. Once gone, truly gone. I hope it is that way though. Because it means everything ended. No enjoying and no suffering. That's better when we were thinking what will be our judgment at the end of life.
It is Chap Goh Meh today. I just want to do my things. That's all for this life. This is the last thing that I wanted to do. I love peace.... peaceful..... and I don't need serenade or whatever. Life is just not worth it. If only I can make u understand. If only you can understand but you wouldn't. I have loved you for so long. This love, you tore it piece by piece. It is still there by blood. It is no longer love. It became a burden that haunts me and I can never be freed from it.
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