I was out for a movie called The Endgame (人潮汹涌). I didn't really get the meaning of the title though. Meaning a lot of people. Probably will google later on. It was a nice show overall. It wasn't entirely too technical and superficial. The storyline flows. Some people are laughing and I did too at certain part. The humours were on point. Some parts weren't predictable. Not too naggy. More real life and yet it wasn't real. It doesn't look like a plan or plot though. I didn't fall asleep too.
I guess it's been too long since I last watch a movie. Sometimes I missed out some part when I am trying to read the subtitles. I tried reading the chinese subtitle to improve my reading. I used to watch hk shows doubling the speed to get to the story end and I was able to read the chinese subtitle at that speed. I think the lack of reading can cause the reading process to slow down over the years. Even now it is playing at the right speed, I can't finish reading it. Not only that, listening also play a part. I don't get them even when it is in chinese. Worst still when they used dialect. I lost all. I quickly jump to the chinese sub and found out I better look at the eng sub but the sub was gone... I must practice my chinese...
I think I need to watch more movies. The last chinese movie I get to watch was More than blue (watch in Taiwan) two years ago somewhere around this time. Then the one before that was 美人鱼。Our niece said she wanted to go watch her boyfriend, Kris Wu. It was a chinese new year where everyone was back home. We all including our parents, her parents and siblings, us the aunts and uncles (7), and her cousins, decided to hit the cinema to see her boyfriend. It was rare as we didn't usually go to the cinema because in the half an hour vicinity by car, there were no cinema. Only in recent years, more cinemas popped up in Brunei. Well, her bf only appeared for a minute I guess..... It became the joke of the year and the subsequent years.
She is now 20 years old. Studying in the UK. Seeing how she missed home, haha, I was truly heartless when I wasn't home. I did miss my nieces and nephews. They are cute and funny even when they are older now. She cooked for her grandparents while at home. She would study by herself. Normally parents would pressure their children to study well but for her we have to tell her not to stress too much on her studies. She took care of herself and can even cook things that I don't even know how to. At a young age, she learnt to think for others that we always thought she wasn't her age and called her our grandma instead. She is stressed while going out with me maybe because I am not that well behaved :D. Now she can't celebrate at home, she put up chinese new year's decoration at her lodging house for her and her housemates to celebrate cny in uk. The deco was so cute. Due to C-19, they can't go back home. I guess it wasn't easy because she has so many people that she missed being with. Hope the situation gets better in the UK and may people be more considerate, open minded and see the situation to know what they have to do to make it better. For me, I am ok. When I am home, I would just wake up to watch tv, play with them for a while and went back to sleep or on the phone. I am not so into cny or celebration anyway.
My nephew (19) on the other hand, also in the UK, doesn't communicate much. More like me... It's his first year there. Haha. He is just like he was when he was 3. More independent I guess. He didn't want to go home. He applied to Uni and went to uk all by himself. Hope he knows how to take care of himself. He can recognise the way to his father's factory at the age of 2-3. He wants to do everything by himself. Stubborn too. He went there all on his own booking tickets and finding a place to while my sis wasn't aware that he went missing at home. He knew how to purchase stuff at that age too while still wearing diapers. I didn't even know the way to their house or factory although I learnt how to be a cashier at a young age. No sense of direction sometimes. I lost my way while taking my driver's license test. I gotta go for a second time. Finally I got it. Well, more than that. Almost got myself killed few times after that. People can live by pure luck i guess. Of course, nobody got hurt.
I did apply to college and uni by myself. One thing we have in common, we both wants to be a 工人. haha. Never want to walk the footsteps of our father because we have seen how they have been. My other nephew wants to be a boss though 🤣. That's what he said when he was 3 or 4. Different people see things differently I guess.
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