These few days more and more people forgetting their cards. If you are learning new things, you tend to forget. However, most of the time, the ones who don’t bring were regulars. Then you said you want to pay much much later because you didn’t bring the card… The fault then became mine for letting you pay much later. If you forget again you have to come back and pay. How? How can you forget when the only thing you needed is the cards to pay for your petrol? Then forgetting which pump number… When I am going to board an airplane, if I forget the gate number and seat number, ok meh? I am getting more and more frustrated. If wrong pump, just get everyone into trouble only. You sure hoped that it will be free but it was not. Somebody else will pay for you. Aren’t you afraid of karma? I am a bit fed up on that. You kept on telling wrong pump. The 78 years old aunty paid for you and you don’t fear the retribution meh? Everyday, 3 in 10 forgetting the card. If 5 percent and the points weren’t worth that much to you, then I will just accept next time. I tired liao, everytime we pay for our mistakes. That is ok. But we have to pay for everyone mistakes too. customer wrong also we pay leh. Missing items whether stolen or not also we pay. Annoyed. People just get more tips. Our tips not even a lot but still have to add on to pay more. People get more pay but we pay more… Sad life. I am wondering if I should just go for a new job or go back to my original line of job?
A bank asked me to apply for their job. I was a bit skeptical whether it was scam. After a few conversations, it seemed legit. They needed my updated resume. I didn’t have. Go back to my old canva, then dragged out the old one. I realised I have a Word document ones after I sent the pdf ones. I should have just used the Word document because it was the latest. Anyway, I don’t have finance background so I might not get it. Based on their requirements, I think there are lots of things I have not yet explored. However, if I can finish my task earlier, maybe I can go for a test or two to see what are the skills that I lacked of. I felt a bit off because I just kept on doing uwp… I also needed to back up against my current job because I felt insecure about it, based on the recent months I was there. I am not sure if they want me there just to solve few issues then once solved then don’t need me anymore. Because every moment I was there, I felt a bit like it. They are also spending quit...
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