Good customers are too good. Bad customers are just bad. Spend an extra 10 dollars on things I didn’t spend. People giving 5 cents. To me, I don’t want to take what was not mine but I don’t want to give what was mine. What’s yours is yours. Well, there are exceptional case but I really can’t draw the line properly. New experience. Life is so simple but we make it hard.
While talking about rental, I checked my account to do the balancing. Certain account comes with interest monthly. I cannot close the old one because that’s where I first started out and everything is linked to it. The new ones were far better though. Dilemma. Thanks to the check, I saw a pending amount and guess what. It was facebook ad. It was something I didn’t sign up for. I seldom use facebook now. Let alone the ad. Probably because it was on my old phone. Also, I didn’t receive OTP and I didn’t received any notification like I normally did when I spent onsite or online. Guess somebody use both my card and my phone number. Not unheard of because Malaysia bank actually did tell me about the risk of using phone number to receive OTP. Will put up the explanation because I cannot really tell about the phone number being used. Too much info is given to app. Why? it has your card number and phone number.
I reported my friend’s account too. Seems like it was being hacked because, the photo changed. Their post changed. Like how my niece’s account got hacked. It wasn’t the first so I knew. Probably too long never use facebook because I also don’t use it often so I did try to look into it a bit. I cannot recall if I use facebook but it seemed I did. Remembering I watched a video of Gigi Leung. The video she took, I thought it was my nephew. He almost looked like her! Big eyes, short hair, tall and the way they look at you.
I lost it. I lost the feeling of wanting things. Everything is different than it used to be.
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