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Life as Human

Watch Buffy, The Vampire Slayer. Just completed season 5 after fast forwarding through most of the scene. Season 1 always the best. The rest of the Season is just to survive. The second one I think was much better was Season 5 where both Buffy and Willow became much stronger. Some parts were still funny for other seasons. Aunty kept asking me when will I start working again since I have been hogging her tv.

Sometimes, when I am done waiting, I will just do things myself. Or I don't do at all. Well, depends on what should I do. If that's the bottleneck preventing the next step, then I would. If I still have stuff to take care of, I wouldn't. Doing the same old thing for too long feels like when the world has changed, I am just done change to the world that was before the change. 

After working for 2 days from a week of resting and watch all the things I never watched, reaching home at night makes me feel sleepy. I am tired already. I need another holiday 😔. Well, the app I was working on still feels like a lot more things could be improved. If not for the time, I would want to perfect it. Sigh... This is actually the part where I hated most. It is bound by my pay. loathing.

Talking about things that I purchased. Bought a laptop bag but the dimension wasn't what I expected. Found the things that could fit in but then there after realised the bottom already disintegrated. Rubbery and cracking. Well, upgraded from an old cracking bag given by the company to new cracking bag. The reason I bought is because the company one is cracking kind of old crap. Now new crap. I trust Targus because I bought their usb hubs which lasted for about 5 years now. I bought another power extension last month. It worked fine. I didn't think twice about the bag... 

The good thing was the lightning to audio adapter. Glad it works because I so worried the material is subpar after such a big discount.

I realised while watching Buffy, back then facial recognition seems to exist. That was like 10-20 years ago. About Year 2000.

The shirts were fine too by Levis. Now, maybe my cabinet 33 percents were Levis, 33 percents Uniqlo, 11 percent TRT, 11 percent Giordano, 12 percent others (mainly those that I don't wear, bought all the wrong stuff. Got Hollister, No brands, Bossini, Hush puppies).

My stomach feels very bloated sometimes. Can feel the strains when I sit down. That's a terrible feeling. I think this year, I better get rid of it. The more I want to get rid of it, the more I eat. That's the thing. 

Now, I think I better complete the stuff, Much more like 10% not done that I am trying to rush out while not breaking the ui and majority of the time, crushing the data and crushing my brain to make their impossible ui but eventually I found ways to make it happen. I don't think anyone in the world has that. :) How I know? I have been looking at libraries to use. Screw the designer. Nope. They don't. If using theirs and still I had to edit, then why not edit from actual. Actual feels like 30 percent not done because of all that. Although, people think the design was ok. I am not sure if it is ok or just ok because it is different from conventions. Almost like a big website on a big mobile phone. Limitations everywhere. Makes me appreciate css and html.  I didn't like the fact that UI will slow down the app because of ridiculous requirement. Easy to use and treating customer like idiots were just a line a part. Mine is like for both. It is not easy to use but meant for idiots. Maybe I exaggerated. Hm. Not easy to juggle between design and ux.

I got other things I observed today. As I am writing, I slowly forgot about it. So, see if I ever remember then I will return to write about it.

I am hungry and full at the same time sometimes ... fats, when can u disintegrate by yourself. I duno how i got back to 72. 

As I wrote about that, I remember what I wanted to share. Apple TV+. I got charged monthly. I installed the app before thinking it was free but it wasn't so I did not watch. Nothing nice to watch also. Then today, I don't remember how and don't know why, I was subscribed to it and got charged monthly... I received the email only after they charged. Before that, I don't know how I got there. Looking at the list of things to watch because even though I cancelled, this month seems to have been paid, so hope they won't charge me next month. Sliding through the lot, nothing much that I am interested in to watch.... Same old story, again and again. Just like me when I was out of conversation. 

I think I accidentally charged myself something while doing test at work. I saw my bank account got some pending. 85cents... I don't remember if I have voided after the test but I did most of it. Maybe the last few that I did in a rush before ending work, I forgotten about voiding it before going off. All I remember was packing stuff when it's almost 7pm. Still so many things need to be done and tested... The one who is actually buying, I doubt they understand how to use. I think the designer themselves also took sometime to understand how everything goes and includes me as well. Hope all customers magically become genius in knowing how to use it. Amen.


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