I think something is wrong with how I wrote the code. Sometimes I wonder why certain coders would put everything related to the current page to the same file or at least same folder while some put everything separately on different files and different folder, and some put all the functions in a different file altogether. When none would share the file at all.
While learning Go, I did two different ways for two different projects. One is to separate by the page and another is separated by functions. The second actually gave me a hard time because I just want to change one page and I had to find each function from different page. The first one makes me feel easier when I need to do correction and everything on the same page actually helped in correcting my mistakes or when I need to add things in or modify things. I would know I would miss anything. Well, maybe different coders have different preferences. I do find the naming of the file is important but somehow, if I put a generic one based on the page, it was easier for me to change things. Just some thoughts. I have been looking at codes that people done like a decade ago. It was the same decade I learnt programming and probably why I don’t think I got any better at coding at all.
c# is pretty rigid but well at the same time, it is easier for me to code around. The syntax was a bit weird to begin with and the truth is always check for null :) My code quality was what I am more worried about. I don’t want to be here and my quality of code still as it is ten years ago, now and the future. I better get some time off to learn online otherwise I will never improve. Actually I was wondering if I have got on a job that was meant for Junior Dev or an experienced Dev. What should Junior usually do ah. Signed up lots of courses but never had the time to even attend because always doing the projects that I am learning and doing at the same time. Understanding code is one part and doing is one part on a half done project. I do hope to write one that is totally new though. Hm…
This 29th of Nov will be my one year here. Well, can I be at least one year? or will I move one before that. So far, there is up and down, all in my mind. I am not sure how I really did though. Was I really bad or did I do ok or did I do more than expected? To me, the impression that I had was I didn’t do enough or I wasn’t good enough but what? All about rushing the overdue here and there with no specs at all while sometimes at a lost of what’s going on that nobody had answers to. I do find it adventurous at some point but most of the time a bit frustrated. Laptop wise is the worst of all things. I didn’t dare to off it yesterday so just downloaded the things I need from the laptop. Hopefully all the latest. Now I wonder if I should off it after yesterday. It cleared off certain things including some of my account sign up. Lucky I remember the address to get back so I can test out something that I have just changed. It was fine so far after testing for more than a dozen times. Planning to do more tomorrow. Finger X.
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