Almost break my code yesterday. I was tidying up and do all logs and attend to all errors that might have happened. Somehow, it breaks my code whereby all those addition makes the program got more error than without. It cannot even run after a few times… argh… lucky I did some ui change before doing that so I just had to reverse back up to that point where my ui is still there and it is still working. Now crack my head on how to do logs and error catch without breaking the code again. Good thing I never shutdown my computer. It also lagged after that and I prayed that it doesn’t auto shutdown… otherwise I have to redo ui.
The convenience of email has been forsaken… Not sure if gmail is bad but so far the spam was harmless though. I think most importantly, we should be stopping malicious mail. Like links that is suspicious can be filter out but then most of the time, the legit one got filtered out and the spam all got through. The spammer is either more clever or the legit one needs to work harder to get through like the spammer.😮💨
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