01.38 AM 把至少一件做好了。睡觉。
07.10 醒了。吃早餐。
08.05 出发。
09.35 到办公室,
09:45 电脑才开好。 Email, informed some laptop acc issue
10.30 Decides to ignore it and start working.
12:00 Got the thing that I want after calling.
12:30 Buy Lunch
1:30 Back from Lunch
2:00 + Finished eating. Do work. Merging. Hell went loose. Solving the problem.
6:00 Finally found out where the problem was. After update, my work has been overwritten. It performs a delete when updated instead of adding. I compared my previous code, the things that I have written were gone. A few more unrecognisable addition which seems lost. Hm… I guess EF is hard to drive around. In the end I just copy and paste my code back of what was deleted after the update. Then deleting and adding tables that’s appeared to be not found. Because it all come out at the same time, u duno which one so have to make a guess. If guess correctly then that will be the best. Reduce the time.
From 90+, the error reduced to 40+ eventually 6 which remains no matter how I did it. The references weren’t there so it means these tables has been changed. Update the missing code and oolala. Finally getting 0. 6:30pm started testing, well, behaviours changed. 😖 It doesn’t do what it usually do. Did my code get overwritten? Have to go back and find out. I saved the old code somewhere else and to read line by line what has been changed. Not that possible.
7:30 going off work to DD Donki.
8:00 + buying then going back
8:30 Took the train.
8:45 I am still in train…
Maybe will do more tonight since monday needs to go to office.
9:30 到家 冲凉 吃晚餐
10:00 打开电脑 喝咖啡。 看看能把问题解决。
12:38 Finally done something… Should I continue. I really work faster and better at nights. Somehow think more clearly than morning even though I am tired already.
12:52 Done playing canon in d or c, I duno. just play
Everyone has their own weakness and strength. There are people who knows how things work but cannot do. There are people who can do but doesn’t know how it works. I am both. I don’t know how things work and I cannot do. 😝 Most of the time I was thinking how did I make it work. If I know, probably it won’t work anymore. Sometimes our thoughts can bring us faraway from the solutions instead of nearer. Think too much. Too much concern and ended up doing nothing. Best is to always take a step back and still cannot then take another step back but sometimes we don’t due to pressure. That’s how volcano erupted. Just kidding. I mean our internal self. Our mind just blow up. I think the good kind of pressure is not just purely time constraints. Probably more if it feels like a challenge. People will do things better and with higher efficiency. Wasted two days over admin stuff. Hopefully not always
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