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COVID-19 in 2023


First time getting COVID confirmed. One, I can be tested positive for COVID. Second, impossible to clear ART TEST kit one day after symptomatic keys. That is, I sneezed whole day, the next day, it is impossible to be negative. Third, Asymptomatic for COVID, therefore become questionable. The symptoms itself is the best proof vs test kit. People with symptoms tested negative while people no symptoms testing positive. If you are sick, isn’t that the best indicator? 

My COVID journey. One night. If you need the date, it was 6 OCT 2023 early morning. While I was sleeping, I felt my throat was very dry. However, I didn’t want to get up because I have work from 11am to 7pm… In the morning, there is a mild feeling of sore throat. I took a panadol before going to work. That day, we have 7 cages of stocks to clear. I felt like my strength was reduced by like 5 percent. I thought if they have increased the weight. After carrying things back and fro, and having less time to eat because there was a meeting and a celebration for boss birthday. However, I was still ok apart from the feeling that there is a bit of feeling on my throat. Thinking I should take prevention better than cure, I bought a box of sore throat panadol after the meeting, ate it, and hope I could stop it at that stage. It would became fine like usual if I take care of it earlier. Cough and Cold Panadol. I only took 1 tablet. I seldom take 2 tablets. 

I was hungry though so I went to McDonalds. Normally I would seat alone but that day was crowded and the single stand alone counter was seated with double people. Meaning people who were a pair decided to use our single counter table.. Not that I am petty but since there is seats, people can seat. By right should be zigzag without anyone facing each other. My side was all single and my opposites sat two couples who just bought ice cream to chat there. Then finally they were gone and I thought the balance was restored. Before my food came, a couple took the seat opposite me. well… I cannot say anything though. Since there is seat even though there is no number. I felt I was hot that day after carrying all the stuff for like 4 hours. I chose not to sit outside because it was really hot with no air condition. At this point, how many people were like me. Almost all. I ordered McSpicy and Coke less sugar Regular. I was thirsty because I haven’t have much water that afternoon. I don’t have my water with me and I am really thirsty. So thirsty I could die. That felt like a vampire wanting blood but I wanted water. I struggle between coke and milo. Which one were more refreshing. I finished my McSpicy and enjoyed the Coke zero full of ice. As I finished and began to walk out of McDonald into the hot air. Instead of feeling hot as I first entered, I began to feel cold. Teeth clucking kind of cold. I am lucky I wore two shirts. The bus was air condition was rather cold too.

When I alight the bus, the warm air was the best thing ever. I walked home. I have a shower. As usual, from the whole day standing and lifting stuff, my muscle slowing sensing all the aches it should have felt like before. It wasn’t as bad as the 11 cages though. I didn’t do that everyday apart from walking… I took shower. I eat my panadol before I slept. 2 tablets. Hope it clears the muscle act and the sore throat. My sis said she had sore throat that night too as she reaches home after I went to bed. She asked if I test for COVID. That has never dawned upon me. Because the last time I was sick, I tested negative. This felt like the last time I got sick. Somemore, like their previous few cases, I kept on testing myself and it was always negative. My nose suffered the poking everytime someone got it. Almost everyone only tested positive 2-4 days after getting sore throat. I guess why waste the test kit if it will be negative. Last time I tested myself when I caught a flu, all 3 days was negative from the moment I get sore throat, fever, flu and cough. This time just sore throat mainly. My sis then proceeded to test her own temperature and mine. The last time when I got my fever, it was 38.6 to 38.9 deg Celsius. Whole night was like on and off. Cold and hot. This time, my temperature was normal. 36.2 to 36.8 deg Celsius as usual. So I didn’t think even more about COVID but my sis was like going towards that direction frequently. She got it before while I managed not to get it unsure how. We got all our vaccinations at almost the same time including boosters shot.

2nd day. 7 Oct 2023. I think I can be a writer that annoys people. After that bus ride, I never felt cold. I felt hot all the time. I blast both fans. Big one and small one and still felt hot. I wore mask to sleep because the haze was bad. I slept from 9 pm to around 11 pm next morning. My sister woke me up and asked if I wanted her Doctor Anywhere medication. She was as usual like that when she got sick. I said Panadol is sufficient for me. I have headache though. I realized, because of my sore throat, I was supposed to get my Coffee yesterday but I didn’t. I only have one before going to work and I drank Coconut water and Ribena instead of coffee. It was like more than 24 hours without it and no wonder the headache. I quickly ordered McDonald breakfast with Roasted Coffee. I ran out of bread and I don’t think anyone served breakfast by 11am. I got up to do my laundry. Put everything into the washing machine, plopped back into my bed, playing monopoly but I felt sleepy. My headache prevented me from sleeping though. Probably I did sleep but I am not sure how long even though it seemed like none. I cannot drink coffee before eating anything. That will totally bring me gastric. The McDonald was fast. I ordered two meals to make up minimum amount. I left one meal to eat for dinner so I can eat panadol for headache. By right, I thought the panadol should have solved my headache since I had them before I sleep. The moment McD came, I quickly eat through the breakfast meal. I craved pancakes. I can still taste the maple syrup as it is. I accidentally added too much salt to my eggs. Meaning Day 2, I can still taste both sweet and salty thing. I quickly have my coffee. Drank it like my life depended on it. I was still sleepy but decided not to waste away time. I went back to a course that I have been doing for some time instead of back to bed. My headache subsided after I have my caffeine. I wonder if I die if this country ran out of coffee. After awhile, I took two panadol as well. My sore throat was still bothering me. It was painful but it wasn’t comfortable. My laundry was all done for the day. I cleared quite a number of lessons in 4 hrs. Most probably, I knew most of it already. I doubled the play speed. The instructor was talking at speed 2x. hehe. Normally I put 1.75x. After 5 pm, I guess it was time to have my panadol so I can have a nap. My “breakfast” meal 2. A egg sausage wrap became my dinner. It tasted nice still. At this point, I can still taste. Only after that, I have my panadol and coffee. However, after all that, I decided to continue on with my lessons. I watched a bit of tv after seeing what my Aunty was watching on the TV.  Around like 10:30pm. It was too early to take panadol. I took it around 5pm. At least 6 hrs interval to prevent having 8 panadols in 1 day excluding sleeping time. I waited til 11pm but I couldn’t eat it with empty stomach right? I decided to drink the bird’s nest that I bought. It tasted the same as before. I ate a bar of chocolate. I have a banana. I then have a pack of Double Decker Cheese rings. Then I have a pack of Barbeque Twisties. This thing didn’t change. I ate a lot when I am not feeling well. I then ate a bit of nuts. Finishing up my coffee. I had a piece of german sausage. I then took my panadol with the coffee. I continued with the show until like 1:30am. I went to sleep because I need to get up to go CentrePoint to change my Fitness tracker. I got my period… sigh… Anyway. I felt better apart from my now painful sore throat. When I sneeze, it hurts so I try not to sneeze. My phlegm felt very hard to cough out. I ate two bananas in the morning and butter rolls with butter. I drank 1 L of water since I slept. My throat still painful when swallowing but subsided in the morning. After I am done with changing my fitness tracker it was around lunch time. I went to Don Don Donki for their onigiri. Theirs was especially large compared to all convenient store. My sis said she wanted that. I went shopping for stuff that I might need. Out of nowhere I picked wet tissue which is 1 for 1. I got some Bao Chi Yuan. I got some sweets. Accidentally bought the one with extra cool… I cannot eat lozenges since young. It did nothing to help me with my cough or sore throat. I guess it was just my reaction to it was bad. I wanted to make ginger lemon coke drink but got the sweet. A shortcut. 3 for 2 dollars. I didn’t know they mixed all the sweets. In the end, only one packet was ginger lemon coke. I was thinking God bless me when the coolness filled my mouth. I looked at the packet I just open, it was extra cool…. lucky it was salty. I got myself a bactidol too. To rinse mouth. It didn’t have much effect on me though the last time I used it but it does clear the sore throat bit. After everything done, I did a bit of lessons at night. I have my onigiri around 3:00pm. Drank my coffee but was doubting if I should have my panadol. I ate one tablet though because I bought the box. If I don’t finish it, wasted my money buying it. I won’t know if I will get sick again so soon. I continued on with my lessons. Around 8:00pm, I ate butter bread with butter. Thinking about that, I am hungry now. I ate something not long ago. I have work the next day so today needed to be going with time. I ate my 2 panadols and back to lessons. Then around 1 am or so I slept. Drank 1 L of water. In the morning I guess half a Litre. Only when I sleep, I felt extra thirsty. Afternoon also I drank 1 L if water. Night time, I got refill my bottles and went to toilet lots of time. So maybe more than 1 L. Next morning I was feeling ok. My dizziness or slightly light headedness from the headache yesterday was gone. Sore throat still there. Dang. I get ready for work. I accidentally fart in the room though and expected my sis to scold me. No sound. I guess this was the time, I lost the sense of smell probably. My sis got to the toilet before me to make big business. I was suppose to be inside first because I needed to get to work. Bad timing but I couldn’t care less lah. I decided to go in after her. I didn’t smell anything… I realised, I didn’t smell anything but the medication smell of myself. I think my coffee tasted bad in the morning. It wasn’t like the coffee I drank. It tasted BAD. I just gulped everything down. Actually the coffee the night before tasted like that too. Just that I didn’t pay much attention because the night before, I accidentally put more than two teaspoons… I blamed that. 2nd night was when taste begun to change. Smell around the same time. I cannot smell the disinfectant spray that I usually used to clean my handphone when I got home from work. That rings the bell. It happened on the 2nd night of getting sore throat. However, I can taste my dabaoed breakfast exactly as it tasted before. Chicken wing, eggs and fried noodles. It all tasted the same. I would only buy that if I worked 11-7. It was really nice… When I am done, my sis medicine has arrived. She has seen Doctor Anywhere again. She said she then tested herself for COVID… Since it was a long time before she had COVID, she wasn’t sure if what she tested was right. What do I do? Not going to work at the last minute with not enough manpower? I think better go la since not very confirm and I felt fine. Just worried I lost my voice because of the sore throat and also having to talk a lot. Guess what, a colleague was having mc so I have to cover another 4 hours. Instead of 11-7, I worked 11-11… There is a fire drill today. Toto also not that easy to get lor. Everything today. While I was on my bus home, my Aunty told us my sis tested positive… So, I tested myself. Today is Day 3. I think I cannot smell most things. My nose weren’t that block but well my nose has always been blocked so it wasn’t really a bug difference. The only difference, I think was I cannot smell anything despite it being the same, blocked. Since positive, I better test myself since we slept in the same room. Well previously also. First thing I did when I reached home… 

I am going to brush my teeth and sleep now. I had fruits and a butter roll without butter. Ate 1 panadol. Maybe I will use bactidol again before I sleep. 


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