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Foot and knees

 First thing to give away was the foot and knees. Ever since I last sprained my knee, now it seems to give way sometimes. Cannot really get hurt I guess, once hurt, the pain will come once in a while. My right foot always get hurts. For the past week, could be a few times I kicked my right foot against something. I was taking my Nintendo Switch off the table to the bed. It slipped out of the casing and then dropped right onto my right foot big toe. Soon, it began to bleed. Hope I didn’t break any bones because it hurt tonnes. Until now, I still felt where it was hit. Lucky that day, I wasn’t working but I hope it gets better when I needed to go the next day. Soon enough, I was called to do OT as someone was sick and cannot make it. To add on to that, I accidentally kicked onto a trolley which was by the entrance to the cashier. On my pinky toe. Argh… My right foot was so prone to injuries. Then few nights ago, I accidentally kicked my pinky toe onto my sis bed post. I just opened the door, light wasn’t on, and bam… The last time I kicked it, my pinky toes bled for quite sometimes. Never mind since this time no bleeding. At night, I woke up to go toilet and kicked it again… I was wondering how am I going to work with a bleeding big toe and a painful pinky toe. I still made it though. More to that, I stood 12 hours :(…

Also, my right foot was bitten by something previously. Not sure what. Just recovered only. Wearing shoes even worst… Was thinking to wear slippers but think put out the thoughts. Problematic right foot. Why ah? always right side got into trouble. Maybe got some tips.


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