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The whole day stuck with this laptop

 Sigh. For all the extra time I spent on this laptop, I realised I am not willing to spend more time on it. For all the things I skipped and I shouldn’t skip anymore. I think done this and that, is more than enough for what has been going on. I knew about the laptop and the subsequent events. 一开始的事。 Now, just this last piece to figure out. The slower it gets, the worst things become. The less I want to do. I won’t leave a bad review for whatever it was but I want to leave a memory of it on my blog. 

All I can do is fix as much as possible and to transfer everything to someone else. At least, less bug for them to fix. The rest, it is what it is as with the tools and information provided. I gave more details too. 我的人就做到这样了。Credit also given so you can do whatever you want also. I will take back my extra weekends and nights spent. The most I can do is go there when there is problem. Otherwise, I will be continuing my studies which I skipped for the past month to rush things out. I just saw the fees deducted from my account. I totally forgot about that. For the past two months, I have paid for the fees but not completing even a course. That was like a hundred plus dollars. I guess any extra time now, I will do that. I did my best or the best this laptop can do. Actually not my best. I have to play games while waiting for it to stop crashing or freezing or whatever it does. That is not acceptable. I have to spent late nights to get the task done. Troubleshooting gets worst too because if there is an error, the laptop ran slower. If other people don’t have problem using it, then it is my problem. I think it is my problem too. My problem is because I have to use Visual Studio, Email, Words, SSMS and Chrome. Maybe I should just need a notepad and the program will magically appear or with command prompt or vim. That is entirely my fault because I don’t know how to do that. There were always things better than reading but I only have handphone. hm. My exit procedure I should say there is no problem at all. The laptop worked perfectly. If anyone lose their mind after using it, it is really their problem. I have no problem at all. It was the best laptop ever in this world. You should get more of it as a replacement next time but too bad, the product already EOL. You can find secondhand for 200-300 bucks on Shopee. A great budget cut. Then ask the person who use it to do faster since it is a great laptop. If they complained too much, they are just being nuisance. Everybody is using it without problem. 🙄😐😑😶🟡 我没脸。Just kidding. Hahahahaha. Maybe I should really go do advertising things. Then people won’t buy.

For all the good thing, there was a bad thing. hm. So it was even out. 

At least at home, I have my laptop to do something more fruitful. When I am working, it should be working, when I am not, at least I don’t have to face anyone or anything. Even today on leave also working. Just 4 more days. I don’t want 5 days. 

4 excruciating days. Last day, I will just pass back everything but have to stay back for clearance. All I have was the stupid laptop. A mouse that was already not working when given to me… To get back my sanity is to stay away. 

The work was not really the worst of what I have done but it could be better. Most of the time rushing all out but the UI, it was like copy and paste the moon on my house. A bad start, a bad end. Maybe slightly better. 

To prove whatever, hm, it was no longer on my list to do. All I can do now is to learn to let go. I thought actually, there wasn’t even a need for a meal. The memory is good enough with the UAT and deployment. I am satisfied with that. Meal just felt so awkward and burdened because it gets blurry on what was going on. I would rather go away quietly and be home. I am tired. I really need to pay more attn to my sleep debt than my tech debt. I cannot go an hour without drinking water too. I can sleep less than 6 hrs but only for things that is worth doing that for. Because of a frozen screen. Nope. Whenever it froze, I can sleep though. I actually hope it can freeze more often so I can restart it and get a good 15 mins of sleep than just staring at it.

I went to the library, saw a lot of people staring at books. So scary. Why don’t they stare at the screen? I found few people doing that. Ah. The normal ones. I am the only one who hogged both. I borrowed the ebook and paperback but I only got the chance to stare at it for a pages before they expired in about a month. There was a book I did find helpful but only in paperback. I cannot renew twice though so I have to keep going back to borrow it.

I done the favour but what did I get? hm. Mocked. I am not a likeable person to begin with. That’s what I felt when I first started this job. I don’t mind not being likeable because I have learnt that people who will like you, will like you no matter what you did. People who don’t, will not like you no matter what you did. I thought I will forever be working in that small room alone. I was quite glad about that. That’s quite good but not for long. It gave me the security I needed except when it was turning dark. 

Should I cancel the dinner too… Actually really not needed. I felt like my period is coming anytime soon. That three days were quite happening. I hate to get around for that. Sigh…

 Good thing was that I never throw the laptop out of the window and die along with it. I was stuck for two hours trying to fix the update conflict… it hanged, slowed, froze, when I could have done better thing. It was 4.30 am. I don’t even want to test if it is working after fixing the errors. I went to sleep to get up at 6.10 am. A lot of things not done for the uat (Actually, if the settings were done properly, shouldn’t have any problem. db got no missing columns.). Not sure why my solve conflict won’t even appear on the file. After adding file, the icon doesn’t change. Trying to install .net 3.5 because of some program, it failed to install… 🔥 Thinking about the laptop, means thinking about everything. Nobody will feel sorry about that and it was done purposely. For that, it was never laptop issue anymore. How can I forget about that? People wants you to go to work early and go home late. hm… I will go to sleep. The rest leave it for tmr. I finally get the bugs fixed…. Actually got one more bug but not so happening. I looked at my list, I have to copy paste my English, TC and SC to excel…. Maybe 2-3 hrs of work…. Wait for them to get back at me for  grammar mistakes. When I read back the emails, who actually have good grammars or without typo? Even the ones correcting it doesn’t do it too. They should really hire proof readers and find someone to do copyrighting for all the languages. Wrong grammar and typo were the new English. Rather have copyrighting than translation. 

Am I wrong? I dunno… I am tired. Mentally tired. I hate the games. I hate to get involved with so many parties. My part was to do the task. I have no time… They won’t understand. Privileged thing. 


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