Process A took 10s
Process B took 1s
Process C took 100s
We have 2 mins which is 120s to complete all the processes.
We gave 100s to Process A
Gave 20s to Process B
Gave 0s to Process C
The irony was, without Process C, other processes were redundant.
Can you make a cake without any ingredients? You can prepare all the tools. But the main ingredients were the essence of the process. Without proper tools, probably you can still make it. 100s to buy the ingredients, 20s to prepare the tools. 0s for the cake. If you need to cry, can start now.
This is where the song came in. You can add in some musical instruments here too. You looked up into the sky and sang.
Imagine there’s no heaven.
It’s easy if you try.
No hell below us.
Above us only sky.
The end.
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