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Showing posts from June, 2021

2 weeks

almost 2 wks from launch. what stage are we? design discussion. wanting to add more… After all I have rushed out, u want to change after duno like how many changes…  getting tired of this endless change and the lack of equipment to test. All I have to think of makeshift to do my coding and testing. 7 days work week. more than 12 hrs work day. I like challenges but not really when I am chasing after something that keeps on changing when the due date is ahead. Really felt the worst thing of all is after it’s done then change again. Of course, if it’s a good change then it’s good but please look a the timeline. Though, there are a few I don’t think it is a good change even if it looks nice. There should be a timeline is the launch date is there. Not just only one side keeping timeline while the rest has no end date. Asking for one thing and it could go on for months. No fonts, no background. Every single change I have to rewire the flow. Each components dunno change how many times and...


 有时候生气起来会做些什么可笑的事. 还记得有一次,工作到很晚很晚. 我大概在公司有二十几个小时. 没有睡好. 可是还有很多事要做. 一边量着东西一边写文件. 然后真的不行了就躺在椅子上睡着了. 然后发现有人来上班了. 早上还是中午. .. 越想越累越气就直接回家打辞职信.  然后有一次赶着要交货. 弄了一整夜. 那一次我并不累. 应为我很气. 有个人一有空就来帮我. 好感激但还是气. 24 小时没睡. 想了整个晚上. 回家一定要打辞职信. 不可能的事还是变可能了. 在交货前赶完了. 还看到早班的人. 说我神经病. 不过可能知道我赶所以每次都会帮我. 后来交完货, 我搭车回家. 大概10点多了. 从前天的六点起床就没有睡. 我一定要打辞职信. 可是好像没有信封. 我到家楼下的便利店买了信封. 结果信封很难看. 折的不好. 品质不好. 气死我了. 我就回家大辞职信. 没有洗澡, 没有吃东西. 直接打. 打完了才去. 然后睡了一觉. 我想还是等有空就再去买信封. 后来买了然后把信放好就交给老板.  后来有一次, 有人叫我交履历. 我的履历都没时间写了. 虽然很想写. 有天回到家又忘了自己把旧的放哪里了. 我的电脑坏了后来换了新的. 后来新的没有,只有N年前写的. 打开的时候, OFFICE WORDS 到期.... 结果想办法用的GoogleDoc. 好多功能都没有. 好麻烦. 就随便用了他们的template. 后来写好了. 好难看. 可是我想不管了. 要就要. 不要就不要. 就这样... 而且都不知道他们是不是真的要请我.  我现在又有这种冲动. 该不该...


早上3點多睡。翻譯英文簡體繁體。。結果睡了以後一直夢到別人交代我要做的事。我覺得有道理一定要做。醒了以後,現在忘了什麼有道理。萬一不是夢忘了怎麼辦。看著那幾行字,我想不起來。 😮‍💨 翻譯的不知道好不好。 不是中文或英文的問題。是用語的問題。比如我們喜歡用逛街也就是shopping. 別的國家不知道我們的逛街不一定在街上。😮‍💨 

half half

I am a half-stack developer. Half of back-end and half of front-end. :) I would say I am a googler rather than developer. :))) Was supposed to wake up at 9… It 11:30am now. Slept at around two. iPhone successfully did that a few times. Still not use to their clock. Pretty cumbersome just to set alarm clock. I might accidentally set the wrong time. 


 Almost break my code yesterday. I was tidying up and do all logs and attend to all errors that might have happened. Somehow, it breaks my code whereby all those addition makes the program got more error than without. It cannot even run after a few times… argh… lucky I did some ui change before doing that so I just had to reverse back up to that point where my ui is still there and it is still working. Now crack my head on how to do logs and error catch without breaking the code again. Good thing I never shutdown my computer. It also lagged after that and I prayed that it doesn’t auto shutdown… otherwise I have to redo ui. The convenience of email has been forsaken… Not sure if gmail is bad but so far the spam was harmless though. I think most importantly, we should be stopping malicious mail. Like links that is suspicious can be filter out but then most of the time, the legit one got filtered out and the spam all got through. The spammer is either more clever or the legit one need...


Only when I do programming, transparent becomes a colour. It is a colour that exist with others yet not blocking the colours of other. The air is transparent and if it is not, then the fog has given you the answer. That’s what I felt too. 


  Admiring my set-up. Not that perfect yet but wait til I think of more. I just realised I can use iPhone to upload photo because the buttons were hidden away and need to scroll to access… hm… I am waiting for it to start and I forgot to turn on the main screen that was not plug in to any source. I need more extension sources. Currently, not enough.

90 hrs

Everyday, at least 30mins wasted to turn on and off my laptop. For the 6 mths, it added up to 90 hrs. Considering no big issue that I had to restart. If I have to restart every single day like shutting down and then turning it on at home that will be twice a day. That’s double the amount. So I have spent from 90 hrs - 180 hrs on just turning on and off my laptop. If you were paid 10 dollar per hour, that would sum up to a wage of $ 900 to 1800 every 6 months. Well, not a big amount. That’s the hours I spent extra out of my own pocket. I have the urge to buy one laptop but I have two laptops at home… This clumsy one and the other best of the best untouched most of the time after I have done my courses. Why do I have to do this? When can I break this lousy laptop or computer curse? Although not what I can choose but next one I hope I don’t sound rude if I ask what they will give me for a working laptop. For a program, 8 Gb running media, it’s a big joke. But if just standalone should be ...


Sometimes just turning on the laptop is a torturing wait. what the hell that people still keeps a laptop that need 10+ mins to start up. Another 5-10 more to start a program. Everytime I went back home, I felt like seeing a real comp for the first time when my laptop just barely took a min to start. My heart would skip with joy but then I won’t be able to use it. Although I am not that fast but I weren’t that slow. Most problem comes from corporate laptop. I guess own laptop is much safer… nobody tries to attack. Why not everyone just use personal laptop to code man. Harder for people to target without a known identity. so i had a black out screen twice and restarting twice now… everytime it lags, it starts, it stops, it turns on or turns off. I felt like looking for a new job… No wonder everything cannot make it in time is everything is similar to this laptop… I gave up starting computer while waiting to get into the office. I just turned on linked in to find job liao… sigh… Why don’t...

Technical Debt

Too much technical debt to catch up… After done, I really felt like going. I didn’t even use my 7 days leave. I cannot even log in to my account to check and I don’t want to waste time on admin stuff. Most of the time, password is used to trap their password owner. Hacker can know their password but account user normally can’t get in… hm… I was tired after a few night sprint on clearing the technical debt and the jab made me felt a bit awkward. From what I saw and understand, apart from those that I didn’t , we are still a long way to go. I was wondering if I really did make the right choice. Everyone says it will only take a day or two for most stuff but why is a one day stuff not done. I am trying my best to rush it out. 🤔 I won’t have to change another field. I don’t have much interest left… Tired… I hate the feeling that everything should be done last month, last year… It felt like I haven’t start already in debt.



Development time

Well, I thought I am really slow when I received the design. Due date is 30th April. I received design on the 24th May, with approval that was done after that without getting informed as well. I asked for Design on the 19th April. I guess I gave them too short of a timeline but then they said they wanted it on the 30th April... From then, I received new design every one week and changes after changes, then the final design did another leap of change. I as inexperienced in this industry try to cater for that like an idiot. Change the code as they change the design. Maybe I shouldn't have compromise based on their due date but what we do have at that moment. Probably I could have done something else more important with a confirmed design. I wonder if all people in the industry is like this though. Well, this is the disadvantage of not really from this industry. I am a coder not a business person. I don't care about business but my code and how my app works. If the cod...

打卡 4 June

 01.38 AM 把至少一件做好了。睡觉。 07.10 醒了。吃早餐。 08.05 出发。 09.35 到办公室, 09:45 电脑才开好。 Email, informed some laptop acc issue 10.30 Decides to ignore it and start working. 12:00 Got the thing that I want after calling. 12:30 Buy Lunch 1:30 Back from Lunch 2:00 + Finished eating. Do work. Merging. Hell went loose. Solving the problem. 6:00 Finally found out where the problem was. After update, my work has been overwritten. It performs a delete when updated instead of adding. I compared my previous code, the things that I have written were gone. A few more unrecognisable addition which seems lost. Hm… I guess EF is hard to drive around. In the end I just copy and paste my code back of what was deleted after the update. Then deleting and adding tables that’s appeared to be not found. Because it all come out at the same time, u duno which one so have to make a guess. If guess correctly then that will be the best. Reduce the time. From 90+, the error reduced to 40+ eventually 6 which remains no matter ...


12-1 点 有时2-3点 忙完睡。 7 点多 起床准备吃早餐 8 点左右出门 9 点上个厕所 9.30 左右到办公室 开个电脑 想想今天做什么 9.45 电脑开好了,开软件 忙 1 点 吃午餐 1.45 左右 忙 7 - 7.30 买晚餐 走走 赶快回家 9 点 到家 如果是我丢垃圾的星期,去丢垃圾 9.30 沖完凉 吃晚餐 10 点收拾 打开电脑 忙 11 点 在这里投诉 生活其实也没有什么值得的。睡了吃了忙了在重复。意义也就是活着。然后就这样到老。想要的是什么。 11.20 忙 重复。 人其实存在就为了活着。。。时间也只是用来数着自己忙了多久。很多人想看的世界其实有时候它不存在的。只是你想象的快乐。 What more of a design given last week with a coding due date that is last month. 

Design first

Code second. Why? if you want readable code, design needs to be first. Because if u have different shapes button, different color button, different usage… it is very hard to group again. I have to revisit all the buttons and groups it belongs and change each one of them if it wasn’t the same group. Time were spent on trivial things like renaming and re copy paste each of the styles. You have to rewire the code which may be on the same page or different page. Addition of certain function to bridge the gap… back and fro…. I spent two months without much design though but mostly came up based on old design and the coding. Now almost 3 months but it was also the same time the designing started. But 3 months or more were given for design but gave us less 3 months for design and coding? hmm… not to say coding? shouldn’t there be a balance? Anyway, I think only after two years the design finalized 🥴 why? when the due date is next month…