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Showing posts from May, 2021


以前妈喜欢煮粥。每次都叫我看着🔥。每次都烧焦。而且还是闻到烧焦的味道才发现煮粥了。 好像没有一次是煮好的。 妈有次煮菜结果整个厨房差一点就烧了。搬家的时候,墙上天花板上被火吻过的黑黑的痕迹。妈走出来说着火了不过还好火灭了。 妈有天不知道为什么突然的叫我们起来上学。平常我们都是自己起来的。时间到了。我们都起床了。妈还准备了早餐。那应该是第一次吧。结果爸起来的时候,看着自己的表。在看墙上的钟。我看着他,他在看着我。当时才六点。才是该起床的时候。我大概六点半才要醒。结果妈看错时间。五点半看成六点半。 我们都准备好了。准备好的早餐就是牛油涂面包可是我很少吃早餐。面包在我手上很久很久都没有吃完。到了学校也还没有吃完。然后我喝妈准备好的水瓶。平常我自己装的。喝了一点有一点点的苦味。水好像有点泡沫。我越喝越奇怪。后来想一下应该是瓶子还有洗碗液的味道应该是没有洗好。之后我都把所有的瓶子一定要洗好。后来我硬把吃不完的的面包吃吐了。又没水喝。渴到好想喝厕所的水。觉得妈以后就不要做这些了。大头虾每次都说我大头虾。我想我不是都不行。 🤫 妈有次想把工人放在家里的lorry駕回工廠。我和她一起。我也想坐lorry。結果塞車,媽用捷徑。結果上山波的時候差點上不了又差點退後。前面後面都有車。還沒有完。上完波就要下波。下的時候差一點停不下來。剛好前面有警車。不過還好即時停下。後來還是塞車。。。跟走了沒走捷徑都一樣。不過到現在我還是會做開車的時候,車停不住。后来妈说她没有lorry驾照。我。。。吓死了。我还小不知道有lorry和车的驾照。不过上帝保佑,我们都还活着。 我刚学会开车。妈要去Miri看医生。我会开车可是不董路。妈说她懂。当时没有GPS。我从汶莱驾到美里。我问妈那一条的时候,妈说都可以。我就要疯了。可是爸开车的时候,妈就每次说这条路然后坚持。爸没有听的话就吵起来。我吵起来是应为她每条路都说可以。。。 其实想想妈一直都是个小孩还有大头虾。


Freeze screen again….. I think ever since I completed Uni, I seldom faced freeze screen except for my working desktop or laptop. Whenever McAfee feels like scanning, they just scan and just crash whenever it wants. Have you ever thought about me, huh? Never, you just think about yourself! It froze when I opened too many applications, McAfee scanning, Lost internet connection, Lost vpn connection… Every time, I felt like I finally get to the bottom of it, it froze, it slows down, it whatever problems… Ok, I lost some senses but I still got control of not slam it on the floor. Mostly because, my code is still in it and it is not my property. I wonder how to do work. Why do I always have the lousiest computer? I need that momentum and not only is it not making me faster as a coder but slowing down my progress. Argh. I felt like I am between walls whenever I used it. Easily bumping into any. From what I heard about the new restrictions to new computers, I felt like it would be on par with ...

Heart breaks

I did some logic earlier on and realised that it is no longer suitable for the application. I thought it was a bit from perfect but good. I have to throw it away… argh.


 I thought I had C-19 because my throat felt dry since last week. Ever since I started some wfh. The only thing that told me I might not have it was the new cabinet that I bought last week. It gives off formaldehyde smell. Maybe the dry throat was caused by it but less likely. Probably because of too much snacks food at home. Dunno how many chips I have devour. The spicy ramen instant noodles I tried to finish before the expiry next month, may be part of the culprit. The hot weather didn’t make it anymore easier. I liked my home settings though. My monitors and laptop all working in tandem. My sis got a chair from her office since they are working from home. She got me another one from her colleague who has extra. I got a better chair. The only thing, it’s cushioned so with no air condition, it gets kind of hot but the night temperature makes it very comfortable to sit on. I have been seating on solid wood chair or plastics one. It seems this chair is too comfortable. Not sure if I...


 不是坏人但也不是好人。沉默也是一种骗。真的假的谁知道。 今天好像翻桌子。发火也没用,承担的都一样。放弃说话的权利。只做好该做的事。有时候不知道自己到底在哪里。 我是不是走错了方向。

Best Condition is not always good

 I have a possible exposure to Covid-19 case by Postal Code but I only knew it like yesterday from Trace Together app. It was the 6th of May and I was at Marry Brown for Lunch. Less than 30 minutes. The case was at Toast & Curry which is beside Marry Brown. I went to Marry Brown whenever I think I don't have enough time. Going to Vivo for lunch might took another 20 - 30 mins in the Monorail for just sitting there and more exposure that I don't know of and possibly no records at all. At the office, the most troublesome is the toilet and the access. Another is, I have to deal with my slow computer. Good thing is, I have air-condition, easier to access server and more disciplines. At home, it has all that I need except these 3. I have to create more path for offline development and when I go to office, I need to change to online mode (which sometimes, might differ a bit but mostly ok. Extra time spent for the conversion). Give and take for the travel time. I have my personal ...


There are certain things I done by default and I have no memories of it. There are also certain things I do by muscles memory and I have no memories of it. I might not have memories also if I have not done it by both ways. 😶‍🌫️


星期天在Disney+ Pixar看了一部电影。Coco. 看了以后又享受可是也很难受。我忍住没有哭。差一点泪就要流出来了。我想把一部电影做成这样,很好。


来自我的同一只手,应该是十年前画的,太无聊。小时候画的最不好可是我还是喜欢。我的画从来都不会被选了放在课室的墙上。有一次被放上去了可是是我的一个朋友改的。她画的很美。我想如果她有别人给我的机会,应该会是很好的画家。可是毕竟不是我画的所以不算。小学的时候,我有个习惯就是重复画同样的东西。我每次都会画同一个屋子,两个窗口,一个门,一棵树,有山坡,有一条路,一个秋千,有太阳一半被山遮住(有一天在自由课,朋友就拿这张来改。改成有阳台的洋房, 老师觉得美。)。我只是按照老师教的画。要不然就一条船,四条线就画好了,一条平行线像是船浮在上面。我可以按照一幅画去画,可是很少画得出来。我是喜欢画画的。心一乱就觉得没时间去做这件事。我想如果不包括我小时候画的作业,我画的图不超过十张吧。不包括scratch drawing for work or just rough idea。我可能只是喜欢看笔落在纸上的痕迹。有的时候就随便画形状。现在想学画画。可是没有时间。毕竟画画赚不了钱。 有一天看到有人用了原版当profile pic。我一直找我画的这张但找不到。后来收拾的时候看到这张图。原来还在。失而获得的感觉很好。有一天我在德国教堂买的一个天使钥匙圈。不贵可是我很喜欢。可是有一天出门不知道掉哪里了。回到家发现天使不在只有圈。心痛。我到处找,找不到。结果第二天出门的时候找到了。掉在靠近电梯旁的沟里。沟很浅。好像是我姐发现的。我忘了。有的时候是我自己找到的。


Sometimes I felt like the things that I have done prepares me for certain things that is to come. I always made that choice just before it turned out to be the right choice but is it true. 🤷‍♀️  There is a verse which sometimes I don’t listen but then it gives me a few lessons although I never achieve great things but it does bring me through. Not sure if it means what it means but from the way I understand it is, don’t always choose the easiest path. Maybe it’s not but whenever I felt like things are difficult and wants to runaway I was grabbed back by this verse. Mathew 7:13.  Enter in by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter in by it.


 不知道哪一个。行李箱还是行李厢。箱是个东西。厢通常有像广边的都是地方吧。所以我猜是箱。客厅,餐厅,书房。 Going to change my plastic cabinet to two small wardrobes. Hopefully can fit in my books and clothes. I just packed all my home wear into one luggage bag along with a few pillow case, bedsheet and two towels. Haha. Can runaway from home already. Just as I thought I can, I forgot about the cubicle with my pants and sleeping pants. That along with work clothes should be able to fit into another luggage bag. I think the most things that took up the space would be the things I bought over the years and still adding… while clearing off a lot as well. Let’s just have a good start. Need to rearrange so next time can be more time efficient and also easier to clean. My sis and I will be working from home so definitely need another table and monitor. Sigh. May God bless our family and friends and be away from Covid-19. Most of the time, I would wear my mask but whenever indoors, esp. enclosed space, I get hard to breathe. Come on, if the ...

Left Eye Twitching

My left eye has been twitching since this morning. I woke up at 9am so I can start working. I stayed in bed til 9:30am. It was Not what I have in plan but the distraction from the phone is always the cause of not getting out of bed than planned. I left my phone on the bed when I realized it is taking too much time. Quickly, I have breakfast bought from 711 yesterday’s night. Coffee. Around 10am, started up my computer. Left eye twitched non-stop. As usual, the laptop started as slow as possible because it didn’t shut down properly the night before. I was looking using my other laptop for a touchscreen monitor because I will be using it so much more at home for now due to alternate work days. My sis has no extra screen so just nice I can borrow her the smaller one which I bought earlier on, while getting another one. I needed a touchscreen monitor since I am doing something with touchscreen. There were not many to choose from and the price is definitely more expensive than a typical one...


朋友,也许哪一天走在街上,有可能不会遇到。应为不能走在街上也不出门的人,遇不到。也不会记得你我是谁。可是今天我想起了你。你比我懂得多。你比我看的更多。 朋友,在我最不懂朋友是什么的时候,你在身边。可是等我学会了,你已经不在身边,可以让我把你当朋友。朋友,你不懂什么是朋友,而我会在你身边。可是当你懂得什么是朋友,我就不会在身边了。


我剛上完廁所,從cubicle走出來聽見在裡面的兩個人的談話。A说厕所有个味道。B说像什么什么的味道。A就说辛晓琪。B?为什么?A说白色袜子 的味道 哈哈哈哈😂 要过生日啦。结果就生日那天开始cb。我已经有很多事做了。其实我是开心的应为有几天可以在家工作。不需要出门。虽然开心,但是并没有幸灾乐祸。只是可以在家很好。不用每天换衣服还有浪费时间搭地铁。又有好吃的。


 把大象放进冰箱有几个步骤。 三个:打开门,大象放进去,关门。 如果用说的就只有三个步骤。 可是做的时候不止三步。 如果有锁的冰箱。要先开锁。如果大象比你大,要找搬大象的工具。运作这个工具也不止三步。搬完了,关门。 如果不需要仔细还有不要废话。那一个步骤就够了。把大象放进冰箱。 冰箱没有门。


 I was just walking out of the station and entering Vivo queue line, I saw a man passed by with word on the front of his black t-shirt. Perseverance. Ok. So I continued walking while thinking about what this word used to means to me. Then suddenly in front of me, a Aunty wearing a black tee walking right in front of me. It says “100% Angus Beef Thickburger” on the back of her shirt. Probably a waitress at one of the restaurants. That’s a good temptation. Can’t we have perseverance and Angus beef burger at the same time?

Typical day

 A typical day for me is like: Waking up at 6:45am and snoozed till 7:00am Get out of the house at around 7:45am Travelled on a train. Quickly use a toilet. Around 9:30am +/- 5 mins reached office. Start my computer, logins and startup 2 visual studio as it takes two to work. By then it will be around 10am already. When all finally load, I will start ssms. If no hell got loosen, I don’t have to do all again. If everything is just nice, I can use Google Chrome for research and something to refer to for the things I needed to do. If it freezes, start all over again, by then it will be 10:30am. Most of the time, I skipped ssms if I have to. Everytime it hangs, down time will be like half an hour to 45 mins. I took at least 10 mins to shut down my laptop peacefully. So, altogether I spent 1 hr just to turn on and off my computer. If it hangs once, 2 hrs. That’s perfect, I could have taken a pillow and nap a bit. If it didn’t hang, it will be pretty slow. It can take me a few minutes to...


 早上,今天. She didn’t even ask me if I want Kopi Peng. I thought she forgotten about me but she didn’t. Smart phone upgrade to Super smart phone. Kudos. Perfect. You are the best.

some trivial stuff

 I was back home and saw the parcels for my iPhone. Excited and anticipating the stuff that I bought and had finally arrived after about two weeks. The first one was a blissful super clear casing. Satisfied.  The second was a disappointment. I opened the camera protection first. Crystal clear and there were two in it. As I opened the other box to get the casing inside, it was much smaller than my phone. I was in the darkness and with the only illumination from my little desk lamp, I tried a bit harder trying to fit it in but it was obviously  not going to fit. I looked at the box label and realised it was for iPhone mini… I realised the camera protection also for iPhone mini. I took the box out of the room for better lights outside. The last box is a screen protector for iPhone Pro Max… What about my phone?? I take a look at my order from Shopee. The order was correct…  I realised that when finding the product, I was looking for iPhone 12. Just below, there were 3 pi...

Back to Hummingbird

The possibility of seeing the hummingbird may be true. Last Friday I saw the bird flying out of its nest. It wasn’t the same one that I saw. It doesn’t have bright yellow front. It was much smaller and rounder. The way it flew is also different. I thought that was the bird I saw. Probably the hummingbird was attracted by the nest and attracted to that. I may indeed saw the fascinating little thing. If I could see it once more. I got my iPhone purple and Shopee was selling it at a cheaper price today… hm… ah. For the same price I could have gotten a 256 GB. That’s double of what I had man. Now, I will have iPhone problem. Typing issues and still this typing thing a bit off. Correcting what I was typing. Sometimes I realised how living in denial was like. As long as it is an iPhone, it truly doesn’t matter meh? Every time I press the close button when I accidentally pressed the camera button. It opened up the camera and doesn’t close until I pressed the close button for a few more times…...