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Showing posts from August, 2024

Electric Guitar

 There is one string on my guitar that breaks always. Then recently, I just started with electrical circuits. Joining some cable together and disassembled them. Somehow it’s a bit overwhelming but mind refreshing. Never done them much. Used to help with the ceiling light and took out some batteries. Measure voltage, current and resistance. Nothing more than that. Well, the LEDs of Arduino’s. Maybe a little bit more. Then, probably it was all too exciting to get things work, it was hard to sleep. When I did sleep, I dreamt about it. This time, I was playing a guitar and the strings were made of electrical cables. That’s a real electric guitar by common sense. Then Uncle came up with the tabs for his song and ask me if I could play it with that guitar. I confidently said I could but the lack of practice, I failed to play more than 3 chords no matter how hard I tried. The strings and my fingers were like so heavy to play. Then I woke up.  Just as I wrote this, somebody was whistling a nic