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Showing posts from September, 2020


When all else is gone, memory remains in different way.  The primary school that I'd attended, it's demolished, and now, it's a whole new building although still under construction and still re-constructing. Although everything is new, sometimes, I still dreamt about being in the old classroom and hallway. They no longer exist. Dreaming about getting late for school, hide and seek, climbing up the staircase that I was attacked by a bug (I think it is), and the things that we used to find them scary. The pathway to the toilet that was far far away with possibility of snakes appearing, and as scary as it can be, it still felt the same way in my dream. The grassy hills that I used to roll down after school while waiting or during break times, and the staircase to get to school, were still the same. The pathway from home to school and the basketball court. They were always obstructed in some way that I can never reach school. My secondary school changed too. I haven't been ...




Mask failed

Welding failed so using physical fastening skills to fix it. I didn't bring extra mask... Just in case, you got the defective mask, can do this. hehe


 Not sure what triggers my swollen upper lip. It is either the seafood or the wet tissue. Can feel the numbness when I woke up this morning. Few things that I have tried without giving my face more troubles: - Boscia, Charcoal Pore Pudding, Intensive Wash-off Treatment. Note: the smell a bit too strong though. NOTE: contains Talc. Just read some comments that this is cancer-causing. I think I will change. I haven't done much reading but the main concern comes from asbestos presence in Talc. Asbestos is carcinogenic. Although it was proven that Talc in cosmetic products are safe, we don't truly know if it really is. Just a quick note on this. - Supergoop!, Unseen Sunscreen. I am trying out the Matte Screen. - Tatcha, The Water Cream (super expensive) but I think I am going to find cheaper alternative. - ANESSA, essence UV sunscreen, mild milk, <for sensitive skin>, SPF 35 PA++ (A bit stinging so don't put near the eyes area and don't touch your eyes.) Then I am goi...

Know a song

I just knew that there is a song called "If I had a hammer".  I want to make a song called "If I had a million". The lyric goes like this: If I had a million, I am going to buy this hammer. I didn't have a million so I couldn't buy this hammer, and so, that's why I don't have this hammer. All the hammers on the shelf wouldn't do. Please find me this hammer.


  When you wake up the other day, nope, go back to sleep.

fat die me

 去年到今天,从 73kg 减到了 64-65kg, 就再也没有下去了。而且最多就动动手动动脚。大家说吃鸡饭很容易胖。所以上几个星期我都只吃没吃还不是一样。然后觉得需要跑步。跑了一次,没有下降反而增加两公斤。只要开始运动,我就很容易饿。就越吃越多。。。 argh...  If you have sensitive skin, try using baby products like their moisturizer. I am using QV baby moisturizer. So far, it has been good. I find paraben-free, fragrance-free, alcohol-free and sulphate-free products doesn't affect me much and best, none at all. I am allergic to carton box materials and some synthetic materials. I was using a reusable mask. Instantly, my lips reddened. The allergies stayed...


 最近不是被手机绑架就是该死的promo绑架。所以决定现在到晚上9点不要动手机。专心。 There are too many times people say too many things at the same time. I felt sometimes the more the people who explained to me felt that the things they taught are difficult then I would feel that it is difficult too. It took time for me to forget how difficult it is and getting myself to do it without feeling difficult. After trying it out and so on, it is actually not that difficult. What am I saying? you see... I guess one thing that I really wanted to learn and practice is saying things straightaway. Sometimes things people did, lingers in my mind and I ended up doing the same thing. Hear no evil, see no evil, do no evil. It is a bit of a psychological effect and not sure how many people experience this. Why instead of avoiding it, we somehow unconsciously did it? How to strengthen our mind to avoid these?


Do people with makeup looks better? I always feel like I am not myself even if it was just a plain lipstick or eyebrow liner. Why do people prefer women to makeup anyway? I like people without makeup because that's only natural. Imagine the amount of lipstick you ingested while eating. Maybe the amount of makeup powder or whatever else is inside somehow get ingested as well. Can that be cancerous or harmful to the body? Going to take a portrait to show how professional I am but well, I was thinking if a plain shirt will do the trick and ignore the makeup, anyway, I have no idea how. I wore a Levi's T-shirt the last time and didn't realised it was in the area of the photo.... This thing is more tiring than coding.


 还有很多事。听听歌。 常常我 豁出去 拼了命 走過卻沒有痕跡 可是我 從不怕 挖出我火熱的心 手上有一個硬幣 反面就決定放棄 嗝屁 但是啊在我心底 卻完完全全不想放棄 就算是這個世界 把我拋棄 而至少快樂傷心我自己決定 所以我說 就讓它去 我知道潮落之後一定有潮起 有什麼了不起